Going Home.

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A/N: my brother is in the hospital haha shocker also does anyone know what month it is in this book bc I have no idea someone come up with a month bc I want to start dating things

A/N: heyyyy my brother was only in there for five days this time



A nurse walks in. "Are you looking for Scott Hoying?"

I turn around. "Yes, is he okay?"

"Oh, yes sir. We just needed this room for an incoming patient. He'll be on the eighth floor."

I breathe a sigh of relief. "Thank you."

"My pleasure." (Chick Fil A?)

I get on the elevator and push the button for the eighth floor.

I get his room number and knock on his door.

"Come in!"

I walk in to see him sitting up on his phone.

"Hey Mitchie!"

I walk over to him. "Hey babe. Where's your parents?"

He frowns. "You look sad. And they had to go home. My sister is in labor."

"I'm just really tired."

He puts down his phone. "Have you slept?"

I shake my head.

"You gotta sleep baby. Come lay with me." He pats beside him on the bed.

I lay beside him, careful of his wound. "Have you walked today?"

"A little bit. Hurts a lot."

"I bet. Do you know when you'll come home?"

He brightens up a bit. "Maybe tomorrow."

"That's great! Have you eaten today?"

He nods. "Some toast."

"That's good."

"How were rehearsals?"

I shrug. "Same as always. I was so... tired I couldn't concentrate."

"Why don't you take a nap?" He says, pulling a blanket over me.

"Are you sure you'll be okay?"

"I'll be fine, baby."

I yawn. "Okay, night night."

The next thing I knew I was drifting off to sleep.


I wake up with Mitch still sleeping beside me.

I run my eyes and check the time, careful of my IV.

5:00 A.M.... geez, they must've gave me some strong medicine. As for Mitch... he needs to get a sleep schedule or something.

I turn up the TV a little bit.

I log onto my phone and tweet.

@scotthoying: up bright and early! Pain meds 😴😲

Mitch stirs beside me.

I carefully take a drink of water.

I see numerous texts from my mom and sister about her baby.

I text them back and send out a little "congratulations" tweet, but honestly, I just wanna get out of here.

DeteriorateМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя