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A/N: aaand it's 3:30 A.M.

Also a little uninteresting fact about me my memory is deteriorating (haha) so badly and it's making it really hard to even stay continuous on the same storyline with my writing so pls bear (bare?) with me.

Update: it is 1:21 A.M. had a four hour choir rehearsal from 7:30-11:30 and honestly I'm exhausted and I have to wake up early and dance but here I am

Update: I'm back


"It's me, Mitch."

I blink a few times. "Oh, hey Mitchie."

"Your mom and dad are here."  He says.

I open my eyes a bit more as I realize where I am and what just happened.

"Hey, baby. I got you some candy and flowers." My mom says.

I wiggle my fingers and try to find her hand. "Hey mom." I smile.

Mitch signals that he's gonna leave us alone.

"How are you feeling?" Dad asks.

I lift my arm off the bed. "Sleepy."

"I'm sure. Are you hurting?"

I nod. "A little bit. I'm thirsty."

Mom looks around and gets a water bottle with a straw.

"Here." She says and holds the bottle for me.

"Thanks." I say and take a drink.

"So did you have any weird dreams?" My dad jokes.

Funny enough, I did.

I smile. "I had dreams about singing."

We talk for a while and eventually everyone is allowed in the room at the same time.

We all talk and joke around until visiting hours are over.

"Bye, I love you." Mitch says as he's about to leave.

"I'll miss you." I frown.

"I know, but I'll be back tonight after tour meetings."

I nod. "Bye Mitchie."


I sit and stare at the wall.

Mitch will be back and stay tomorrow night, but we decided to let my parents stay tonight.

I pick up my phone and take a selfie.

@scotthoying: fresh outta surgery! Thank you for all of the thoughts and prayers. Love you all so much 😭

"Do you want something to eat? I'm going to grab some lunch." My dad asks.

"No thanks, my throat still hurts."

My dad leaves the room, leaving just me and my mom.

"How long are you gonna be here?" I ask.

She moves closer to my bed. "Until you're better."

"So never..."

She frowns. "It's her again, isn't it?"

"She said that my medicine... it might cause some changes."

"What kind?" She asks softly.

I feel tears forming in my eyes. "I... I don't know... I want to be better, mommy."

She takes my hand. "I know you do. I'm sorry, I wish I could fix it."

I cry for a minute just to let everything out.

"Why don't you rest?"

"I've been resting I don't want to rest."

She looks a little taken aback.

"Sorry..." I whisper.

"It's okay, I know that this is hard."

She kisses my forehead and I soon realize that she was right as I drift off to sleep.


I drive home, barely able to keep my eyes open (me everyday lol).

I pull into our driveway and enter our house.

It's so quiet.

I realize that I have rehearsal and that's literally why I left the hospital.

I groan and drag myself back out the door.

I look at our group message and see that we're going to Avi and Kevin's place.

I get in the car and drive down the street.

I knock on the door and wait for someone to answer.

Avi answers the door. "Hey Mitch!"

I enter the house and go sit with everyone else.

"So we've gotta work on this new Christmas album." Kevin says.

"I'm thinking you guys should maybe do another original if that's possible..." Esther suggests.

"That's a good idea. What songs have we not covered?" Avi says.

"12 Days of Christmas might be fun..." I suggest.

"That's a good one!" Kirstie says.

"You guys could do a lot with that. It could be a funny one." Darien says.

"Okay, so we have that one. Anything else?" Kevin says.

God, I'm so tired.

"So what key..."

I really love Scott with all of my heart but man, this is exhausting.


I look at Kirstie. "What? Sorry."

"So do you like this idea?"

I look at the notes scribbled on the paper.

"Yeah, that looks good. I think it'll be awesome!"

I look over the different parts and it does look like a fun arrangement, but I miss Scott.

We discuss some more ideas and then go our separate ways.

I get some food and head back over to the hospital.


His room is empty.

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