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A/N: some of this is inspired by a poem I read. Also, this chapter goes in a lot of different directions whoops I just got back from camp and coming back to reality is kinda hard.

Sorry if u hate my book I just gotta keep the drama on the dl



I shut my eyes as the door swings open.

It's over.

"I found them!"

I open my eyes to see a security guard at the door.

"Please, follow me..."

An array of people show up at the door, asking a ton of questions.

My eyes avert to the floor, where a trail of blood has been left from the man who saved our lives.

No one speaks, afraid that there might still be something out there.

We are led outside and onto our bus, which is surrounded by police cars.

No one says anything.

Medical crews enter the bus and start examining us.

"Do you have any physical injuries; gun wounds, scrapes, cuts, anything like that?"

I shake my head.

"Would you like some water?"

I nod, feeling too numb to speak.

A water bottle is handed to me.

A light is shone in my eyes and a band aid placed somewhere I didn't even know was wounded.

A normal victim wouldn't get this kind of treatment.

"I want to check on the fans. I'm fine, thank you." I say and stand up.

"Sir, we need to finish your evaluation." A nurse says.

"I want to see the fans. Where are they?" I nearly demand.

"Sir, it's dangerous-"

"Get me a security guard."

Everyone else is still getting their evaluations.

A police officer motions towards the door.

I follow the officer outside and into the arena.

"The gunman has been shot. I repeat, the gunman has been shot and is inactive." A faint voice says over the walkie talkie.

I sigh a breath of relief.

We enter the stadium.

The officer looks at me. "Why did you want to return?"

I look at the young woman (the officer from season one of OITNB). "I want to make sure that the fans are safe."

She nods. "Understandable."

We enter backstage.

"Woah, you guys aren't supposed-"

"It's alright. Special request." She says.

I step out onto the stage, where the remaining fans are being kept.

They cheer when they see me.

"Hello!" I say, trying to lighten the mood as much as you can after a mass shooting.

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