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A/N: I'm too ADD to write I'm sorry this semester is almost over and then I'll be able to write.

The song that they're arranging here is a real song called "Angels Among Us" by Alabama and it won't let me link it so just look it up.

Sorry it's been so long.



"What's wrong?" Kevin asks and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Well, you know, my brain."

"Yes. Is anything weird going on? Is there fluid coming out of your ears? If so, we should probably call the hospital-"

"No, it's nothing, like... Physical."

His face goes back to normal. "Oh. Are you having hallucinations or something?"

I scratch my head. "Uh... Yes? I mean- I don't know how to explain this."

"It can't be too bad."

"I met my sister."

He parts his mouth slightly. "You... What do you mean?"

"I had a sister. She died in the womb and I met her."

Kevin puts a hand to my forehead. "I think you should-"

I slap his hand away. "I have some questions."

"You saw... You saw an angel? And you have another sister? Shouldn't we-"

"Yes, we established that. I just-"

"Wait, slow down. What did she look like?"

"A person. Let me just ask you some things."

"Okay, what are they?"

I hope he doesn't try to, like... convert me.

"So, if I saw an angel, does that- does that mean that God exists?"

"Well, it depends on your beliefs."

"I just feel like... I want to know more."


"Just, I guess, religion and angels and where people go when they die."

He nods. "I can help. But you have to be sure. Don't make yourself uncomfortable."

"I'm sure."

We sit there for a minute.

"So yeah." I say.

"So... You think it was your sister?"

I nod.

"Have you spoken to your family about any of this?"

"No. I wanted you guys to know first."

"Well, angels are very real, I think, and can show up in mysterious ways."

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