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A/N: this is a filler I'm sORRY


Mitch looks weird.

I keep singing a rhythm on a weird vowel and listen for Mitch's solo.

Mitch begins to weakly sing his solo.

Is he sick?

I'm sick.

We're all sick.

"Let me hear you sing."

"Sounds great, guys." The sound man says.

Mitch lets out a big cough and sips some water.

I go over to him.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, why?"

I put my hand on his forehead.

"Holy shit, no you're not. You're burning up."

"I'm fine, I promise."

"Go lay down or something." I say.

"No, I'm okay."

I give him a look but walk away as we're called to practice new choreo.

We're given choreography but Mitch has to stop several times.

He says something to Kevin and walks out of the room.

"Is he okay?" Our choreographer asks.

"He just isn't feeling well."

We take a little break to go eat lunch.

I decide to go check on Mitch.

"Mitchie?" I knock on the dressing room door.

He moans something and I come in.

"How are you feeling?"

"Sucky." He says and slightly sits up.

I sit beside him. "I feel sucky sometimes too."

He nods. "I know."

"Do you think you'll be able to sing tonight?"

He shrugs.

"Do you want some medicine?"

He shakes his head. "My tummy hurts."

I sit closer to him. "It's cute when you say tummy."

He smiles. "You're cute all the time."

My breath catches in my throat. "Wh- What?"

He shakes his head. "Never mind."

Did he call me cute?

I lift up his head.

"Sorry." He whispers.

I put my nose against his.

"Call me cute again and this'll happen."

And it happened.

He breathlessly pulls away.

"No- nope. This isn't right. We're best friends."

"You didn't like it?" I frown.

"No, I loved it."

I nod. "I... I gotta go... Ya know... Sing..."

"Oh! Oh, right. I'll text you if I need anything."

I go back on the stage.

"Everything okay dude?" Kevin says.

I bite my laughter back. "Everything's great."

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