Chapter 18

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I was getting Mikey and Donnie inside the house when I heard raph yell. " watch out!"
So I ran out and saw raph looking at the ocean. I went to his side. " Why are you yellin-"
I stopped talking as I saw two of the other girls as they tried to peddle away from a deadly wave hoving over them.
As they went under the ocean we both saw two surfboards coming up but no surfers. I looked to raph as he looked me.
I nod my head as we both backed up a little and ran to the edge of the cliff and jumped.
As we fallen down we both had our feet going to hit the ocean first. We knew it was not the best pose jump in the ocean but right know we did not care as we the landed in the the water.
My side got in pain again but I looked around in the water seeing the two girls.
Raph and I went down while he grabbed the girl in her blue bikini while I grabbed the girl in the red one.
We went up to the surface as the girl that raph had breathed in air and looked at him. She screamed and tried to get free while we go then to the shore.
As raph let the kicking girl go she ran to the one I placed down as she went to her and check on her pules.
I got up and stumbled as the pain was getting a little more painful. Raph came to my side but I pushed him away  and leaned on a tree as the girl started to do CPR.
I looked at the girls as the one on the dirt coaghed out water and the one sitting up had the other on her side.
But then the two girls looked at us as they looked surprised and unsure what to do.
Raph walked over as the one that did the CPR yelled. " Back off!"
" That's nice to say after saving your lives." Raph said as he crossed his arms.
Then as I thought I was going to faint I saw Mikey and Donnie coming over as they saw the two girls.
The one in the dirt looked shocked at the other two as she pointed a finger at Donnie. " You two... are... are the ones from last night..."
I tried to walk over to Donnie but as i tried I stumbled to the dirt and passed out as everything went blank as pain still increased.

~ ~ ~
As I saw Leo walk to me and Mikey he then fell on the ground and the girl in the blue bikini went over to him as she looked worried.
I ran to Leo as I saw his wound on his side slightly bleeding. So I got raph to help me with Leo and Mikey grabbed the girl in the dirt while the one in blue walked with up.
While we walked to the house I looked to Mikey still holding the girl. " Call Shado and Griz."
He nod his head and got his phone calling Shados number. We got to the house and opened the door to get Leo in his room on his bed while I then quickly cleaned and rewrapped his wound.
As I was done I went to the living room while Mikey hung up on the pbine. " They are bringing clothes for them."
I nod and we both went to the living room while raph was in the kitchen on what it looked like he was getting some Tylenol. " Are you injured?"
He looked at me a little confused. " No its for one of the girls she has a hang over."
I watched him and Mikey go to the girls as I went to the front door leaving it opened as I walked out and looked up while I signed with my hand on my head.
I then looked to the road as I felt the wind coming down hard. So I started to head to the girls house before it got worse.
I was almost to the house when I saw them two heading my way. I ran to then and they liked happy to see me. " Donnie!"
Griz came to my side as Shado was in front of me. " let's get to my house before the storm gets worse."
They nod their heads and we headed back but while we got there already the one in the green bikini was arguing with raph.
" No I'm telling you right know you do that pose in any training stance it will hurt your hole back!" Yelled raph as he looked like he was about to snap.
" No it will help it!" So I came over to raph and grabbed his shoulders. " Hey raph! Can you help me with dinner? We are going to be having the four girls join us."
He grunted and walked into the kitchen while I looked to the girls. " You can change in my room sense it's the only one with a lock. It's the one with the purple door."
They nod their heads and I went to the kitchen while and raph helped me on starting making dinner.

~      ~     ~
     I felt the pain on my side as I opened my eyes and looked at the ceiling while I heard my brothers chatting with the girls and laughing.
     I grunted in being mad as i looked out the window seeing the rain fall harder and lightning falling down some times.
    While it was looking the same for a while I then heard some one open my door as I closed my eyes making the one coming in my room think I was still out.
    When I heard the one coming in closer I heard it place something on the table as it started to smell like food. As the one went to the door and closed it, I then opened my eyes looking to my table to see the food that was Donnies cooking with his chimichangas.
    I signed and looked away as I then sat up slowly from the bed and looked more out the window. I then looked around my room and saw a note by my plate.
     I looked away hesitating to not grab it but I lost as I turned and got the paper to my face and read it.
    ' I wanted to say thank you for saving me and my friend. And that I am also sorry for snapping at your brother when you two saved us.'
     It did not say a name while I thought about it. It couldn't be the two girls Donnie and Mikey where with last night.
    And the one i saved did not say a thing until Donnie came over. So it would have to be the girl in the blue bikini.
    I crumpled up the paper and broght my amdrm up to throw it in the trash my arm felt that it did not want to throw it. So I looked at the crumbling paper and snigned.
    I placed the paper on the table then laid back down and closed my eyes as I whispered to myself. " Don't make the same mistake leo."

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