Chapter 5

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As I pushed the girl that was on her surfboard I dived down and swam to the other side of the cliff making sure that shark was no where to be seen. I calmed the cliff with the wind blowing to me as it was practicaly getting me almost dry.
Once I grabbed the top of the cliff a hand grabbed my rist as i then got yanked up with only one foot on the edge.
" You are so dead." Said raph as he dragged me to the house. " But... if I didn't help she could have been eaten by that
Raph stopped as he let's my rist go. " You did not have to show your self to her Mikey..."
I looked down as I felt that raph was being soft on my emotions all of a sudden. " I know I just... I sorry raph."
Raph signed as he then put both if his hands on his sides. " I won't tell leo... but this will not happen again. Got it!"
I smiled and nod my head as I then quickly went back into the house as a quickly little sharp pain came to my lag.
As I opened the door Leo and Donnie where in the living room watching a new episode of a new TV show called wrecked. To me that show is a lot like lost in witch I still did not understand the ending but this show was hilarious.
Leo turned to me as he spoke. " Where were you Mikey?"
I put my hand on the back of my head as I tried to think of a lied. " I was uhh..."
" I caught him playing on the edge of the cliff like when we first got here." Raph said as he passed me to sit on the love couch.
I joined sitting next to Donnie as Leo then spoke again. " Mikey you can get hurt if you- Where did you get that bite mark!"
Leo was pointing at my lage so I looked to my inner thigh seeing where that shark bit me. ' Oh man...'
" I saw the four suffers and one was about to get eaten by a shark so i-"
" Did they see you!"
" The one I saved did... but not the other three! They where on the shore."
" Mikey you just risked our lives again! They might not be like the police in New York so you ha-"
" Okay leo." Donnie said as he interrupted leo while getting up. " Come on Mikey let's get this treated before you get a infection."
I got up and walked to Donnie room as I heard raph and leo arguing again as this time it was about me saving that girl. But what was on my mind the most was that I hope that girl is alright.

~ ~ ~
Me, Griz and Kri was waiting while the doctor in the hospital was giving shado some stitches. I was playing with my thumbs while we three saw the doctor come up to us. " Is she going to be okay?"
" Yes the shark bite did not infect anything with her foot. She will be able to go home today but I would advise that she stays away from the ocean until the stitches are removed."
I nod my head as Griz then asked a question. " How long would that be?"
" In about two weeks."
We all nod our head as I sat back down while the doctor went to get shado.
As we waited I saw some one coming up as if she was out of place from here. She has black short hair with blond hair under the black. She was all in black while she had red makeup around her eyes.
She looked at me while I looked at her. She smirked and walked passed me to the exit while she was wearing what looked like a motorcycle jacket with spikes.
" you know her Reevi?" Kri asked as she at next to me.
" No... but I have like a bad vibe from her..."
Kri looked at me for a little as we looked to the door while they opened as shado was in a rolling chair. I got up and went to the nurse and grabbed the hands to the chair. We walked out of the place as we walked out to the side walk.
Shado turned to all of us as she said. " You will not believe what saved me!"
We looked at each other as we then then looked back to her as Kri spoke. " And what was it?"
She hesitate for a little but then almost yelled it out. " It was a turtle! He had a big huge shell and his skin was green with three fing-"
" Wait! Wait! You said a turtle?" I asked while Kri and Griz asked their own question.
" Green skin?" Kri said while Griz put a hand on her chin. " He? It's a male?"
" Yeah and he like started punching the shark! When I was trying to get back on my board he got me on with him using his huge three fingered hands! He said his name was Mikey!"
We three looked at each other as we then bursted out laughing. " Guys I'm not joking!"
I then continued pushing her as we walking on the side walk while my thoughts some how got me to think of when I last dated 3 years ago.
He was a abuser as he thought I was an over wight woman. But I never felt like it I felt beautiful with very nice curves. My friends never see me the way my ex did but it never fazed me as I then saw Griz run to a store as I stopped right in front of the entrance.
I waited out side with shado while Kri was looked at the store next to the one Griz walked in. It was a music instruments shop and Kri placed a hand on the glass as I new what she missed. " Kri."
She turned to me as she looked a little sad. " You should go back to singing. You were great!"
She smiled but with the same sad face. " Reevi that can't be possible..."
Kri then looked back to the glass window to the store. " I have not sang sense my ex got me to leave my career."
I looked to shado as she was looking at a pizza place. " Let's go. We need to get going before dark."
Kri nod her head as Griz then came out with a book in her hand. " What's that?"
Griz looked to shado as she held it out as its title said. ' mythical creatures in Hawaii'.
" If this green turtle like creature does exists then this would maybe have something about him in here."
We walked on as Griz already started reading it out loud going through the pages.
Once we got to the path up the rocks and little bumps on it. I struggled to get shado up but Griz and Kri helped while shado smiled while cheering at us three that we can to it.
Once we got to the front door with us three panting and sweating shado just smiled as she grabbed the key that was in her pocket and put it in the key hole while turning it to unlock the door.
I took shado in her room sense she was looking tired while Kri and Griz did the same. I on the other hand needed to get some time to myself so I grabbed my house key that was on the key holder. I went out of the house and locked it.
As i waked back down to town I thought I saw a shadow that was hiding in the shadows of the trees. So I slightly turned to see if any one was there. " Hello?"
After a couple of Seconds passed no one answered so I then just went back to walking down the road walk.
Once I finely got there I saw a good amount of people to the beach as I walked throw them seeimg thwy had drinks in their hands.
I smiled as went to the beach seeing some bars as it looked like this place was partying. So I went to one and waited for a bartender to come ask me what I wanted.
" Hey there cutey what can I get ya?"
I smirked. " I'll have a Mai Tai."
The name with the blond long hair smiled as it made me see his jaw line that had a pretty big scar there.
As he walked off I turned looking out at the crowd waiting for my drink when I saw that same woman that was in the hospital.
" Here you are cutey." I turned around and grabbed the drink handing him a 20 dallor bill. I walked around to try to find that girl as it looked like I lost her.

Four Surfers, Four Turtles ~* Completed *~Where stories live. Discover now