Chapter 12

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I felt like taking a walk on the shore of our surfing place. Once I walked out of the cave I walked over to see something things on the ground.
I pulled my glasses up when I got closer seeing that they where all different kinds of stuff. I pad, a very old nantando remote. While I looked at what else was there I then heard some foot steps coming from behind me. So I got up and turned to see people on what looked like black cloths and masks. I backed up a little as they where coming closer taking out swords... no katanas!
I tried to run to the cave but was blocked by them and pushes me to the ground. I looked up as I got my hands up. " I don't know what's going on... please don't hurt me." I said as I tried to get them to trust me.
But they just walked to me as one grabbed my caller shirt pulling me to its face while the tip of its katana pointed at my chest. I got to shocked as I did not know what to do so I closed my eyes waiting for them to have the katana go throw my body.
But as I felt it poke me something came out of the ocean and throw something as it hit the man letting me go and fall in the dirt. I looked to the ocean as it ran out of the ocean and looked like it grabbed a short stick. That was until it hit on what looked like a button and it extended out almost at tall as this thing.
I backed up as it looked like it was running to me but it ran past me and a started attacking the ones in black.
It swirled it's staff once then would attack then as it looked like electrical shocks where shocking the men with its staffs tips.
One ran at me as I got up and started for the ocean hoping it would not go in. But I was wrong it jumped on me as we both started going down to the ocean as I tried to get the man off me. I grabbed it's arms as it did the same while we struggled to win.
I felt my oxygen getting low as I tried to get the man off me as I then got my feet on its chest and kicked it away while the man then let's me go. But he then started to come back as I tried to swim backwards. But he grabbed my neck as I grabbed his hand as I now struggled to breath and trying to get this man off me.
As I thought I took my last breath something jumped in and grabbed the man's head as the thing pulled him away from me. The thing wrapped it's arms around me and quickly pulled my up as I took in a big breath.
I coughed as it quickly got me to land. I got on my side as I kept my upper body up by my hands on the dirt. The thing turned its back to me as i saw it had a shell. I then looked at it some more as it took a stance as the man in the ocean came out charging to it with a hand knife in its hand.

~ ~ ~
I got the girl out if the water as she took deep breaths when i then heard the foot ninja getting out so I turned and took my stance as I saw it charging at me. I ran at it and used my staff and waked it's weapon out of its hand as I then smacked the man in the cheek with the end of my staff as he then fell to the ground.
I then relaxed and breaths a little hard sense I was almost holding my breath throw this hole fight. I looked at the girl as she looked shocked scared and surprised as she spoke. " She was not imagining it..."
She got up as she looked at me with a opened mouth. I walked over to my stuff and got on one knee getting my things back on.
The girl came close to me a she looked like she wanted to get a better look at me. " What are you?"
I grabbed my I pad and looked at her. " I'm a mutated turtle."
She came close a she looked at me some more. " What's your name?"
" It's Donatello. But I like to be called Donnie or Don for short." The girl just nod her head at me and gave me her name in witch surprised me. " I'm Griz thanks for helping with these guys."
I nod my head as i pulled up my glasses. " it was no problem." I then walked over to one and tried to find anything that could explain why they where here.
"What are you doing?" Griz asked as I looked up to her. " I'm trying to see if there is any explanation of why these guys are here."
I then heard griz looking throw the ninjas too. I looked back and found nothing as I went to the other one.
As I thought nothing was going to tell me why they where here griz then spoke up. " I think I found something!"
I ran over to her as she handed me what looked like a map. So I opened it seeing that my family's house was marked with a red ' X ' mark on it. " What the..."
More noises started to be heard when I looked at the trees while griz came a little closer to me for protection. I got my staff out ready to fight who ever was out then. But then my little brother fell in the dirt.
" Mikey?" I yelled as he came falling on the ground. He looked up seeing me then a human. " hey your the one that hangs out with shado!" Mikey said as he got happy as he walked over to her shaking her hand. " I'm Mikey." Griz looked at me then Mikey while she then looked confused.
" your the one that saved shado?" Mikey just nod his head with a smile.
I looked at Mikey as I questioned him. " Mikey what are you doing here?"
" Oh. I heard some fighting so I came to check on you." Mikey then looked around. " I guess you had everything under control..." I signed and placed my hand on my face. " Go home mikey... before Leo sees you gone." He frowned but nod his head as he looked to griz. " It was fun meeting you miss?"
" Griz." She said as Mikey then saluted and ran off. I looked at griz while she looked at me. " Would you like me to escort you home griz?"
She looked at the ocean for a little then smiled as she turned back to me. " Yeah. Thanks."
I nod my head and fallowed griz as I looked back to the unconscience ninjas calculating that I would be back before they would even wake up.
We went in a cave I looked up seeing some holes as the sky was being showed in them.
As we walked out we fallowed a little path that lead to two big trunks swirled together.
Then a house with some lights on showed as griz stopped and turned. " Well this is my place. Thanks for walking me home. "
I nod my head as she turned to walk off as I did the same but then she spoke again quickly. " we should hang out some time."
I turned to see griz. " I mean with me, you, shado and mikey... I think it will be fun."
I smiled. " Yeah I think mikey would like that." We them said our goodbyes and walked back to the beach while griz walked back to her home.

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