Chapter 4

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I was laying down while the storm was making a lot of Thunder noises while I looked to my clock seeing that it was 2: 28am.
I get up and walk out of my room and slouched on the couch as I heard some one coming out here too. " Hey shado."
She looked up and saw me. " Oh hey Kri."
She say next to me as we both just sat at the living room. It was getting to silent with us two here so I spoke with a suggestion." Hey let's watch a movie!"
She looked at me as she smiled. " Sure what should we watch?"
I think for a little then a movie came to mind. " How about soul surfer?"
She nod her head as I went to turn the TV turning it on and went to grab the movie in the movie shelf by the tv. I grabbed it and placed the DVD in to the DVD player and sat back down next to shado.
While we got to the part where she got her arm bitten off by a shark shado was already asleep with her head on my shoulder. I stayed awake with my eyes closed as I remembered a time I was watching a movie with my ex.
I was sitting there as he was on his phone like always. It was a movie that we both wanted to watch together but he then soon had his phone in witch was getting a call so he went into our room.
But as I got up I went to the door as I heard him talking to some one on the other line with a flirting tone and laughing. " No I'm not busy I'm just sitting here watching a boring movie."
I backed up as I then felt my heart get heavy and quickly walked back to the couch as he walked in. " Hey that was work they need me to go do some more paper work."
" O-okay..."
He came over and kissed my lips quick then went to the door slipping on his shoes and closed the door.
I put both my knees to my chest as I leaned my chin on my two knees crying.
As I heard shado shift in her sleep i opened my eyes and looked at her. I smiled then looked up to the ceiling as I thought to my self. ' I'm never going to fall for another man ever again.'
As I started watching the movie when the girl was now helping others I started feeling my eyes get tired so I slowly fell asleep as I then leaned my head on shados.

~ ~ ~
I strand as I wold up and sat on my bed grabbing my glasses from the night stand.
I get up and walk out to the living room seeing Shados head on Kri's shoulder while Kri's head was on shados. I smiled and walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a bowl from the cabine and a bag of cereal.
Once I started poring some cereal in the bowl I heard the two wake up as they looked around and saw me. " Morning sleeping birds."
Kri grunted as shado waved her hand. " Hehe storm keep you guys up late?"
Kri gets up and walks to the table that I was now heading to. " Sadly yes..."
I laughed as Reevi then walked in as she had her bikini back on. " You going surfing?"
" Yeah we all know the best time to surf is ether before or after a storm."
As she then started for the door we all quickly ran in our rooms to put our bikinis back on as well.
Once we all had our bikinis on we went back onto the tail and walked till we got to our secret place again.
As I was there I sat at the shore while the rest went to the waves.
While I sat I randomly looked up to the house as I then heard Reevi calling to me. " Come on Griz! There is a great wave coming!"
I smiled while I ran to my board and then to the water. I laid my stomach on the board as I peddled to the others while a wave was coming. As I waited for it to come I quickly grabbed the sides of my board and pressed the front of my board under the water as I then went with the board. I opened my eyes as I saw the wave go over me as my board broght me back up to the surface.
I breathed while I finely peddled the rest of the way to them. I stopped right next to Kri as she keep her eyes on the waves.
A thought then came back to me as I remember the annoying time when all my employers would flirt and want to date me. I was never a dating type of person sense I liked to make art and a little on tinkering.
Once I looked to shado a wave was coming in with seemed pretty big. So we all went for it together as I got to the middle with Reevi. Kri was on my right while shado was on Reevis left side.
We all stand on the boards as the wave behind us pushed us to go faster.
I closed my eyes as I felt the winds blowing my wet face and feeling my short hair fly back a little. As we where close to the shore we all jumped off our boards and once I was under the water I opened my eyes seeing the beauty as I felt the urge to paint.
I had a foot hit a rock in the bottom as I pushed myself up and took in Air. I grabbed my board and walked to the shore. Shadow passed me as she was running back in. " Remember not to pass the cliffs. Sharks some times hang out there."

~ ~ ~
Every one was sitting down as I started for the ocean again while i passed Griz when she warned me about the sharks so I just quickly turned to my heels and yelled. " Okay!"
I got on my board and quickly paddles with the wave as it all of a sudden can out of no where from behind me. I quickly sit up as I try to stand but lost the balance and fall in the ocean. As I felt the wave still push me while I was still in the water.
I opened my eyes about to head up the surface but shouting caught my attention as it swam away. I got up and got on my board as I looked around to see if I could see what it was.
But as I looked around I saw the random wave that was pushing me have me a couple of feet away from the cliffs.
I panicked a little as I then looked again as only one thought came to my mind. Shark!
I sit with my lags together while I peddled faster to get passed the cliffs. But as I thought I was going to make it a bump came under my board make me stop peddling. I had both my hands to my chest so what ever it was it would not bite my arm off.
As I still looked around I then heard something fall in the ocean making me more scared.
Then a last bump came from my board again as I fell in the water. I quickly opened my eyes as I saw the same figure but this time it came closer as I then quickly got up to the surface.
" Reevi! Gri-" I got pulled before i could yell any more seeing the shark as my ankle started stinging as red blood was starting to surround me. I put my hand up as if I was trying to reach up for air.
I closed my eyes as I feared for the worse till I felt the shark let me go. I open my eyes as I saw something big punching the shark.
I then used my good foot and got to the surface to breath again. I was surprised as I saw my board still by me as it must have been dragged around.
I tried to got up but I felt weak from the lose of blood on my ankle. I tried one more time when I failed but then soon I felt something push me up on my board as it pushed my butt to get me up.
I blushed but soon then laied on my left side as I then saw two big green hands that had three fingers grab the side of my board and pushed me passed the cliffs.
I looked at the thing as i then saw it's face was green and what looked like it had a shell over its back shoulders. " What... What are you?"
It looked at me with its orange mask in witch was hiding it's baby blue eyes.
It smiled as I saw he had on what looked like a bullet prof vest. " I'm a turtle but you can call me Mikey."
Before I could ask any more questions he had the front of my board facing the shore and pushed really hard. I looked at him as he was starting to faid away.
As I got to the shore the three came to me in a shock from seeing my blood. They grabbed my board and got me to the shore as they rapped up my ankle and quickly picked up my board with me on it still as all three walked out of the area to get to the house.

Four Surfers, Four Turtles ~* Completed *~Where stories live. Discover now