Chapter 7

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I was sitting out side of the front house when I was swirling my left Sai in my hand as my fingers where moving my weapon sense I felt bord. I was on the ground letting the wind blow in my face as my back shell was against a tree.
I heard stepping noise coming to this Direction as i turned to my left getting on one knee while I got my right Sai out in my hand.
" Calm down hot head." Said Karai as I looked at her with discuss and disbelief. " What the hell are you doing here Karai!"
She chuckled to me while she was then right in front of me with her black bikini on. I tried to keep my eyes at her face as her body figure was perfect for that bikini. But I just keep giving her the face I would always give leo.
" Leave Karai!"
" So I would not see leo?" She said in a mocking sad fake tone. " I will see leo as much as I want. He always comes to me when I ask to have him meet me."
I grunted as a hand grabbed my arm making me turn to my left seeing leo standing there with a not - know - face. I shoved my harm away from Leo's hand and walked off down the hill by our house as a path was made by the edge of the cliff.
As I walked down the path that lead to the shore all my brothers keep talking about with four surfer girls.
I did not dare look back as I was already pissed at my older brothers actions.
As the oceans wind was blowing a little hard at me I then felt that the wind wanted to me to jump in the ocean.
I looked down from the cliff as it looked like a pretty far drop. I swallowed as I then looked up as if I was expecting some one else there to do the jump. So I just started walking again and felt the wind again making me stop.
I looked down the cliff again as it was still yet again pretty far. I smirked and chuckled a little as i backed up.
" The hell!" I yelled as I ran to the edge and jumped off it and fallen down. As I almost hit the water I did a Cannon ball making a big hug splash.
As I was under the water from the ocean I let my arms out and as I looked up with the blue sky mixed with the oceans wave I just watched at its amazing view with nothing but feeling relaxed.
I then had my left foot on a rock about ready to push myself up to the surface but as I was about to push my foot I saw two surfboards slowly going by. I froze as I watched a green mixed with purple board and another green and red mix board.
I looked as a wave was coming. I grabbed ahold of a rock that had a curve to it letting me stay where i was. Once I looked back up as the board with the red green mix dived down going under the wave I saw it was a girl.
She had brown long hair as it looked like it a little passed her elbows. Her green cameo bikini made my eyes stare with what the girl was doing.
Once she was back up to the surface paddling I could not help but fallow them under the water as I swam under her.
' Lucky I can stay under the water for a couple of hours.' I thought as I stopped swimming under the two surfers as the two stopped paddling and sat on their boards as it looked like the one in the green purple mix board was moving it's hands on the surface of the ocean lightly.

~ ~ ~
I was sitting on my surfboard as Griz was by me in the ocean.
" Hey Kri are you sure your okay with this sense that meeting with Karai?"
I nod my head sense i told them everything about me and that girls conversation. I saw Griz concerned face as we both then heard shado yell. " Hey a great wave is coming!"
We both looked at the shore sense the doctor said nothing about shado not being at the shore. Reevi stayed to keep shado company while we two went in the ocean.
We both looked to the wave as it was about ready to hit us. So we both peddled as I then got my stomach on the board. As I quickly looked down I thought I saw something big move fast under the water.
It looked like it was fallowing us but i looked back up as i got on my board while Griz did the same. We both looked behind us as I then looked back down the water as I saw nothing this time.
" Kri!" I snapped out of it and looked behind me as the wave was right there making me almost losing balance.
I broght my arms out to my sides as I then got my balance back and looked ahead as shado clapped and cheered while Griz was already doing a flip. I went a little to the left and turned my board around while I went flying up in the air.
I grabbed the side of my board as I thought I was going to make the flip. But as I saw I wasn't going to make it I then let go of my board and fell in the ocean. I had my eyes closed as I was in the ocean. Once I thought I heard water being moved under the ocean so I quickly opened my eyes as I saw nothing but when bubbles... witch was a lot more then what I could have made...
I looked more around until I needed air and so I got back up to the surface and looked around still thinking I would see something.
" Kri!" I turned to the shore seeing shado waving as Griz was already getting out. I looked back out to the ocean then grabbed my board and swam to the shore.

~ ~ ~
I watched the two leave to the wave so I went with them. I saw her looking down as I quickly swam a little ahead of her hoping she did not see me.
Once I saw them two on the boards it looked like the girl in the cameo bikini was looking for something as her friend yelled out. " Kri!"
I saw her quickly turn to the wave as she looked like she was about to fall off her surfing board.
I fallowed once the wave hit her board as I then figured out that was her name. ' Kri...'
I smirked as I then saw she got her balance back but then went a little to her left side. She then went in the air as it looked like she was gone so I stopped moving as I waiting for a sign of her.
Then as I thought she must hand fallen some where else I looked down to the ocean as a few fished went passed me. Then a splash was made right in front of me as I looked shocked as Kri was right in front of my face. I panicked and swam away as fast as I could so she could not see me.
I keep wimming till I got to the cliff and slowly pushed my head out of the water seeing the girl Kri looking around then grabbed her board using her feet to peddle back to the shore.
I slowly swam to the side of the cliff where I saw Mikey climed up on. But I did not claim as I knew Leo was probably still outside with Karai.
So I stayed there and looked out to the opened ocean as it looked like another storm might come over us tonight again.

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