Chapter 14

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Pain was going throw my hole body as I stayed still while I then heard Mikey laughing with... a girls laugh?
I opened my eyes a single looked at the ceiling. I then slowly got up as I grunted and struggled to get up, but I did sit up and got on my feet.
I almost falled as I felt my knees weaken bit caught myself as I then grabbed the chair to my desk. Then I got my hand on the door nob opening it.
As I heard laughing in the living room I saw Donnie with the same girl from last night. " Donnie what... is going on here?"
He looked at me as so did the girl as Donnie looked worried and ran right to me. " Leo you are nit supposed to be up... Karai stuck your own katana in your side remember."
I grunted as u saw the two girls lolling at me as I felt more mad. " You girls should not be here!"
The girl with the shirt hair and glasses came up to me as Donnie grabbed my arm keeping me up. " we saw the news that there was a fight at the beach... we thought it could be one of you turtles. So we came to Check."
I could not stand any more as Donnie took me back to my room as the girls fallowed. Once I was laying down I looked at Donnie. " Where is raph?"
" Last I saw him he was going out to train."
" If he meets any of the two other girls that are staying with the two here I man no going to be a happy turtle."
As Donnie was going to say something one of the girls did so I quickly looked seeing the girl in the glasses talk again. " we are not bad leo. You can trust us."
I looked away as I spoke out of anger. " Laser person that told me that just stabbed me in my side last night... at this time and moment I trust any of you humans."
Donnie looked at the girls as he then left me taking the girls with him as he then closed the door while he closed my eyes as I remembered the betrayal Karai did.
All I did was ask her about the map and why the foot was here. She just started attacking and once she got me to the ground she pulled my katana out of the sheath as tried to finish her job.
Luckily I bogged in time even though it got my side I ran off as Karai tried to chase me. I lost her in the trees a little close to the four girls house. " Humans are all liars..."

~ ~ ~
Push ups, running and training with my Sai was all I was doing while the sun was beaming down at me as I was feeling the sweat fall down my body.
But once I started to take my brake I sat down with my beck shell leaning on a tree as I panted and closed my eyes. Then I remembered last night as I was looking for fire wood last night.
I was hearing stumbling footsteps thinking it was so drunk human. But as I fallowed the noise and saw who it was in the shadows I saw leo as he held onto his side.
I ran to him before he fell on the ground as I kept repeating as I was getting him home. " What happened? Who did this?"
But as I got to the front door he looked at me and said in a pained voice tight when Donnie just opened the door. " Karai..."
I then opened my eyes as the flash back made me more mad. ' I told toy she was truble!' I thought to myself as I got back up and system running some more while heading to the house.
While i looked forward as I saw the house into view I slowed down as I stopped at the front door as I placed my hands on my knees and pant as I get my breathing back slowly.
I got back up straight and grabbed the doors nob. Once I opened it I instantly heard laughing.
So I ran in and saw two Han in the house. I know that Leo is in no condition to be acting like the leader so I had to be. " What the hell is humans doing here!"
Every one looked at me as I looked mad.
Donnie came over rot me as a girl with short hair and glasses came over too. " It's okay raph. These two girls are not our enemies."
" I don't care if they are or aren't our enemies! They are not support be here!" I yelled as the two Humans looked a little scared.
Donnie placed a hand on my shoulder. " It's okay raph. They actually came over to see if any of us got hurt sense Leo's attack with Karais scene at the ocean on the news."
I growled and looked at them. " Fine but if I see you two acting suspicious I'm not going to hesitate to attack!"
The two humans nod their heads as I walked off to Leo's door. I stood there and heard the TV video game was playing again.
I opened the door seeing Leo looking out the window as he stayed laying down. Once I was in and closed the door he looked at me then back out if the window while I walked up to him and sat on the floor having my back shell agenst Leo's bed. " You already told me that I made a mistake raph... what do you want to say know?"
I just sat there as Leo thinks that I was there to tell him that I was right. But not this time.
I signed and just closed my eyes as I told him. " Just shut it and get some sleep. The sooner your better the sooner we get to kick some butt."
I then heard Leo chuckle as that made me open my eyes looking at him while his eyes where closed with a smirk. So I smirked too and leaned back again to the bed.

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