Chapter 16 (part 2) oops...

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Hiro's POV

I had to wear a bandage for the rest of the day. 'Who knew Suoh could actually hit hard?' I thought to myself. I wasn't mad at him. I'm actually proud of him for caring so much about Chase. She dyed her hair back by the way;the teachers said it wasn't natural. Anyways all the girls in the school kept asking me all kinds of questions. I kind of got annoyed but it's the most attention of ever had in my life. So I'm happy.

Chase's POV

Henry kept following Hiro around but she never noticed. She is always lost in her mind. The teacher told me to make sure Hiro knows her way around school. I had to lead the way in EVERTHING! It kind of sucked but we at least caught up on the last few years. I saw that the host club had been down the hall. I grabbed both of their hands and ran to the left (goes right) "Hey! Slow down! I don't have long legs like you two!" Hiro yelled. Henry snickered a little. "Where are we going?!" Henry said.  I had no idea where just away from the host club. I stopped running and turned to see Hiro and Henry playing poker. I sweat-dropped. "Want to play?" Henry said. "How long have you had that out?" I said.


The bell said everyone had gone to class but us. "aw man! I didn't want to be late on my first day!....Oh well, we still got next period. LET'S SKIP!" Hiro said getting up. 'People don't really change do they?' I irked. Henry layed down. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm taking a nap. "

"You can't sleep in the hallwa-" I was cut off.

"HEY, I FOUND THEM!" Honey screamed. Hiro started running. "WHERE ARE YOU GOING!?" I yelled to her. "I'M NOT ABOUT TO GET IN TROUBLE BY SOME LITTLE BOY! YOU CRAY-CRAY!" she yelled back. I soon saw we should have ran too. Henry still layed there. I turned and ran to catch up with Hiro. She runs fast when she doesn't want to get in trouble. I found a figure down the hallway and assumed in was her. The figure saw me and started running but was cut off by a tall man. Mori.

Hiro's POV

I saw Chase running too. That was my cue to start running as well but I ran into a tall guy. I stumbled back but he caught me before I could fall. He picked me up to where I could stand. I saw his face and pushed him away. 'Man, he is hot!' a fainted blush on my cheeks appeared. 'I'm so weak against cute boys.' I backed away but bumped into someone else. 'TAMAKI!!???'

Chase's POV

Tamaki was behind her. She looked scared out of her mind. Tamaki got on one of his knees. I got there just in time. "Are you okay?" I asked Hiro, she nodded in response. "Please accept my sincere apology. I had know idea you were a girl." Tamaki said. Hiro just looked at him. "So if i was a boy, You wouldn't be apologizing? Even if it was by accident you would not apologize because I was a boy? You wouldn't even know what happened 'cause you assumed I kissed her on purpose?" They all looked at her in shock. Tamaki was speechless. He couldn't believe a word she was saying....because it was all true. Hiro walked away like nothing happened but Tamaki grabbed her and hugged her. Man were her eyes big! "Your right....but I would still find out the truth anyway. Whether I wanted to or not. I would still apologize." he said with a smile. He let go. Good thing Henry ddidn't see him hug her!

 okay.....lots of apologizing,...BUT i hoped you enjoyed and i am about to finish it off with about 2 or more chapters. SO i hoped you enjoyed and have a nice day.

Chase: What if they're having a bad day.

Henry:You're just mad cause you didn't get a hug!!!

Chase:You're just made cause that hug wasn't from you! *laughs*

Henry:*realization* SHUTUP!

Hiro:What? *barely walks in room*


Henry:*covers Chase's head with a pillow*

Hiro:.....okay? Anyways guys check out my other stories if you want and I'm beginning to sound like a youtuber BUT it doesn't matter so.....BYE!

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