chapter 13 MY FRIENDS!

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NOTE: sorry I haven't been able to update. I will try to update as soon as possible.

-----START HERE-----

Chase's POV

I'm just chillin' on the couch reading manga waiting for club hours to begin.

"OTAKU!" Tamaki yelled with lighting striking him.

I sweatdrop. I saw honey asleep on the couch infront of me. 'HE IS SO KAWAII!' I tried to poke him but I remembered last time we woke him up. (So scary)

"Um is Chase Lopez here." I heard a familiar voice say. Someone taped my shoulder. I turned to get punched in the face.

"WHAT TH-" I got cut off by scissors thrown my way. I dodged them easy and saw who threw them.

"Sup? Bro." My friend Erica said with a smile. I give her a hug. The host club just stared in shock still processing what happened.

"Hey Chase ya miss me!" I turned to see my best friend in the ENTIRE WORLD!

"HENRY!" I yelled and jumped on him kissing his cheek.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked getting off of him.

"Well we didn't want to miss your birthday so we're staying here till.."Erica trail off still thinking.

"Oh yeah....HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Henry said hugging me.

"WHAT!?" The twins shouted.


".......must have slipped my mind." I say scratching the back of my head.

Honey woke up.

"where is Usa-chan" he said. I just remember Hikaru and Kaoru were messing with Usa-chan and.................ripped it.

Honey gets up and the twins hide behind me. 'Well better start planning funerals'

He finds Usa-chan with a rip and cotton coming out of his side. He stared for moment then screams.


hope you like it. and once more I'm so sorry I didn't update. I am busy.

Chase: it's true this time.

Me: I've been busy with homework.

Henry: school sucks

Chase: HENRY!?

Henry: That's my name. Don't wear it out.

Chase: Why are you even here?!

Henry:.....FREE COUNTRY!

Me: Well we may have freedom but I still own you BOTH!

Chase: hey I forgot to ask. Where is Kyoya?

Me: hmmm I don't know. Maybe I'll put him in the next chapter.

Henry: Who is Chase supposed to fall in love with anyway.

Me:.....I still don't know soo...

TO THE PEOPLE READING THIS THERE WILL BE A VOTE BETWEEN KYOYA OR TAMAKI! Who ever wins will be the one Chase falls for so start the votes!


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