chapter 7 Lobelia Girls' Academy?

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DISCLAIMER: I .......don't .......own.....OHSHC.....(goes to emo corner with Tamaki) but I do own my own characters.


---------------START HERE-------------

(next day before school)

Chase's pov

'stupid author makin' me kiss that jerk' I say to the author in my head.

"Tis not my fault child. The chapter practically wrote its self. Now shut up I'm trying to watch TV." she replies.

(host club)

Well some girls show up claiming to be from Lobelia Academy. Haruhi is mad because the guys sold her favorite pen or something.

"It appears we have another young maiden in the host club." said the chick with brown boy hair pointing at me.

"Oh you noticed. Well at least you're smarter than those idiots." I say pointing at the host club.

"Then why don't you transfer to our school.

Author's pov

I'm sorry but I forgot what the girls say. And I don't remember their names. I only remember what they did.


Chase's pov

The they somehow change the scene to a city themed place.

The very tall one had a mustache.........I want one. They start to talk about stuff that doesn't even make sense.

Haruhi was still mad so she said,

"I think about it", with an annoyed look.

"What about you?"The tall one asked.

"hmm......I'll think about it, too."I lied. I was not about to wear a skirt to school. Plus I still need to punch Kyoya IN HIS FACE!

"Till next time." she said and then they twirled out the room.

'Maybe they are idiots too.' I think.

"Are you guys really going to transfer" the twins say unison.

I didn't answer because Haruhi was fussing over her pen while Tamaki offered her his. I walk to one of the couches and laid down.

"What wrong Chase?" Honey said with a few looks from the host.

"It's nothing. I'm just tired. I didn't get enough sleep the last few nights." I say and it's true. I didn't sleep because of my homework.

"Chase you look like you're about to pass out."Haruhi says worried.

"I'm fine. Don't worry. The club will start any minute now. Lets go get ready."I say getting up but that was a mistake.

Tamaki's pov

Chase tried to get up but fell. I caught her. She fell to her knees with me still holding her.

"Chase?" Honey-senpai(thank you comments) said.

She was breathing lightly. I could tell she fell asleep. I pick her up bridal-style and set her down on the couch. She had some of her hair covering her eyes so I brushed it away.

'I never thought she would be so beautiful'. I notice that everyone was looking at me. I clear my throat.

"Well, what should we do about Chase?" I say embarrassed by the way they looked at me.

"Maybe we should take her home." said Hikaru and Kaoru unison.

"What about the host club?" Haruhi said.

"We'll have to cancel today." Kyoya said writing in his black book.

"Okay I'll take Chase home." I volunteered.

"I want to go!"Honey says.

"Yeah." Mori said.

"Us too!" the twins say.

"Well all go"I say proudly.

"Do you even know where she lives?" Kyoya said annoyed.

"That's why we have you!" I exclaimed.

"....Fair enough."he replied.

----------fast forward--------

Chase's pov

'My head hurts.'

"No shizz"the author said.

'why do you do this to me?!' I yelled at her.

"Because it make the story interesting. Don't judge me!"

'Can you at least put some aspirin in the story?!'

"Let me think.........Oh no. We are breaking up! I can't hear you! nooo..........."

'FINE THEN Be that way!'

Tamaki's pov

Chase was mumbling in her sleep.


I laugh to myself.

'she's so weird' I smiled. She opened her eyes and looked at me but fell back to sleep leaning on me.

I looked outside the window.

"We're here." Kyoya says.

The twins get out first then Haruhi,Honey and Mori, but Kyoya doesn't so I go. I pulled out Chase and put her on my back giving her a piggy-back ride.

"Kyoya are you coming?" said Hikaru.

"In a minute. Just go without me." he answered. We all nod.

Haruhi knocked on the door and a lady with blue eyes and brown hair answers.

"Yes?" she answers with a beautiful voice.

"Well Chase passed out so we brought her here." Haruhi explained.

"Oh, come in and I'm Chase's mom."

she says. I feel Chase's hand grip my shirt.

"Do you mind taking Chase to her room?"she asked me.


"Thank you. Her room is the second to last on the right."

I started up the stairs and walked to her room.

I Hope you like it. Also this story is a love triangle.

Chase:WHAT!! I am not going to be in a love TRIANGLE.

Me:How about a circle?



Chase:.........THIS IS.........SPARTA!!

Me:oh shizz....(starts running)

Chase:GET BACK HERE!!!(runs after me)


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