Chapter 15

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"How much further?" Amalda groaned.

"It looks like we're in Florida..." Fang muttered, "but where should we actually go to meet Max and the others?"

"How do we even know if everyone's together? Ugh this is so frustrating..." Amalda sighed as she reached in her pocket and pulled out some candy, snacking on whatever she had, "why don't we just work on putting pieces together?"

"My powers... They came on after I killed my clone. We also killed Max's clone, so what if she has those light powers now, too..." Fang said as they flew to their house and logged onto a computer, "let's see... Sightings of the flock now in... California, Canada, and Texas. Attacks have died down, apparently."

"Should we be looking for the man behind this?" Amalda asked, "I mean, we haven't even found the Ari or Jeb clone... The Main Man's dead."

"Of course they'd make clones of everyone..." Fang clenched his fists.

Amalda felt her anger rising in her, "Dylan and those Whitecoats with their whole FIE serum... They're such fools! What makes them think they have the right to take anyone's DNA, make clones of them, and kill off the originals! How dumb are they?!" Amalda was so frustrated she slammed her palms on the table, which suddenly caught on fire.

"Amalda!!" Fang shouted as he stood up from the table and Amalda immediately threw her hands in the air.

"I didn't do anything!" Her hands suddenly caught on fire somehow, but wasn't burning her.

Fang quickly put the fire out, then gasped when he saw Amalda holding balls of fire, "well, it looks like they defeated your clone..."

"This is so cool!" Amalda laughed.

"Okay, just don't set anything on fire..." Fang said as he grabbed his laptop, slipped it into a backpack, and slung the pack on his back, "let's go. We're going to go find Jeb."

"Where do you plan on looking?" Amalda asked.

"We're going back to Russia."


"Did we get rid of all of them?" Max looked around, not seeing anymore clones.

"Ha! This is so cool!" Nudge laughed, "now I don't need a hose or water balloons anymore! I could just soak you whenever I want!" She sprayed jets of water at Gazzy, laughing loudly.

"Will you cut that out?!" Gazzy shouted as he held out his hands and shot a bolt of lightning at her, electrocuting her.

"Huh... Sand..." Iggy played with the sand in his hands, passing it from one palm to another, "I could get used to this..."

"Wow..." Ally was able to create rainbows in the sky with the flick of her hand and the snap of her fingers, but she still felt like she was missing something, "Mom, where's Dad and Alex? And Amalda?" Ally turned to Max.

"We're still trying to find them. But don't worry, we will." Max smiled.


They all turned to see Angel and Alex flying towards them, "are you guys okay?"

"Yeah." Max chuckled as she glanced back at Iggy, Nudge, and Gazzy, experimenting with their powers, "how about you two?"

"Don't worry about us." Angel said, "other than new ice powers..."

"Haha." Gazzy chuckled.

"I can create darkness!" Alex was very pleased with himself, only making Max shiver.

"But never mind that!" Angel said quickly, "this is what I saw in that vision of the future! Fang and Amalda!"

Fang?! "What about them?"

"They're in huge trouble..." Angel said quickly, her voice shaky, "I-I don't even want to... We need to go stop them! N-now!" Angel felt herself getting weaker as tears spilled from her eyes.

"Angel!" Max grabbed her and held her steady, "it's okay. We'll go help them. Where are they?"

"Russia! We have to go! Now!" Angel cried.

The tone in Angel's voice scared Max, "it's Jeb! He's gonna..."

"Flock, let's move. NOW." Max ordered. They all stopped what they were doing and immediately followed her out and back to where she came from.

Is it really that bad Angel? Oh no... Please, Fang, Amalda... I swear if any of you two die on me...


Wow. It's been FOREVER since I've updated. I've dedicated myself not to start new stories, but to finish all these cliffhangers too. XD

I had to reread my first Maximum Ride Again story to remember what's going on. Also sorry for all the repetitive stuff in this story. Haha clearly I had no idea where I was going with this.

But yeah! I'll finish this story up, then it's off to Miraculous Revive, for those of you who read that. (Miraculous Ladybug fanfic)

Thanks for your patience, everyone! Hopefully this story ends well... Don't forget to vote, comment, and criticize! Love you all!!

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