Chapter 11

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"Wh-what?! Dad?!" Amalda called to Fang who flew not too far from her, "I thought you left!" No answer. Amalda saw the cold dark look in Fang's eyes. She also compared his shadow-like appearance to their bright and sunny surroundings. She already established that she was in Florida, just a little bit after she escaped the building. She could go back home, fight off her own dad, even kill him, or run and find where everyone else was. She settled with option #3. She distinguished which way was west and which way was east. She thought she'd have a better chance of running into someone if she headed east. She turned and flapped her wings, flying fast enough to lose Fang. But to her surprise and annoyance, Fang suddenly reappeared in front of her. He only hovered silently before her, not moving, blinking, or talking.

"What do you want?!" Amalda asked.

"To destroy the flock." Fang answered, his voice different from the way he always talks. Right then, a giant black shadow enclosed the two of them in a dark dome of shadows.

"What the hell is going on..." Amalda muttered. She flew as far as she could away from Fang. Then she flew straight into the shadow and found herself back outside. She turned around and saw a giant black sphere. It was a giant shadow that Fang had made.

"How did he do that?!" Amalda said as she started flying in the direction she was heading before being cut off by Fang. Wait...I recognize this place.... Amalda thought. She looked around, and recognized it to be Florida. If I'm in Florida, then.... Amalda closed her eyes and listened for any familiar thoughts. She could distinctly hear.... Dad?! Amalda looked east. She knew that was him. Even though his clone was just a few yards away from her. She just knew it was really him. She put on the speed and flew as fast as she can towards him. In about half an hour, she made it to what looked like Paris. She saw the Eifel Tower silhouetted by smoke. She looked down and was soon blinded by a bright light.

"Amalda?" She heard her name and turned, but couldn't see from the flash.

"Dad?!" she called, and soon, she felt someone run into her, arms wrapped tightly around her.

"Amalda!! What are you doing here? How did you get here?!" Fang asked.

"I-I can't see!!" Amalda shouted as she rubbed her eyes and blinked a few times, but her vision was still badly blurred.

"We need to get out of here first." Fang whispered as he led her away from the commotion.

"Who was that?! What's going on?!" Amalda asked as he led her to the closest tree and they hid.

"How's that?" Fang asked. The shade helped her vision recover, and she could soon see normally again.

"Dad? What's going on? Where am I?!" Amalda asked, so overwhelmed by everything that has happened.

"Shh,'s okay. We're in France." Fang said as he steadied her shivering face.

"I saw...." Amalda said, "I saw you. You had powers.... Am I going crazy?! I must be going crazy..."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa...I was here the whole time, and I don't have powers..." Fang said.

"And was that Mom?!" Amalda gestured out to where Max was still searching for Fang and Amalda, "I'm so confused..." Amalda shook her head in confusion.

"We need to find the rest of the flock." Fang said as he looked around cautiously.

"But how?! Where?!" Amalda asked, and for once, Fang had no idea. He had no idea where anyone could be, where Max could be, "where do we start?!"

"Let's just get out of here. Scan the area. See if we can somehow meet up with them..." Fang suggested. Amalda nodded and they looked out of the tree. They could see Max II still searching, "on the count of three, fly as fast as you can that way." and Fang pointed west. Amalda nodded, and they positioned themselves on the branch, "one....two...three!" Fang and Amalda burst out of the leaves and flew as fast as they could without being seen by Max, because as soon as they took off, they blended in with the background and vanished instantly.

"Good..." Fang said as he looked behind him, Max II hasn't spotted them yet.

"So where to now?" Amalda asked.

"I don't know. Just keep flying straight." Fang said, but when he looked forward, he gasped and stopped immediately, Amalda doing the same. Right in front of them was Fang II.

"Dad...?" Amalda said slowly.

"Wh-what?!" Fang gasped, "what keeps happening?!"

"Can he see us?" Amalda looked around.

"I don't think he's the only one who can see us..." Amalda turned to where Fang was pointing, and she understood what he meant. Max II had started flying towards them.

"What do we do?!"

"Just keep flying west. Whatever you do, don't sidetrack. We have to get back home. We have to find a computer."

"We can't bring them home! They'll destroy everything!" Amalda said, "Max has the power of light, and Fang has the power of shadows! That's NOT the best combination, you know!"

"But if we can access a computer, we can figure out where the others are. If they're most likely in the same situation we're in right now, then there'd most likely be a lot of chaos in their area, just like here." Fang said as they started flying west.

"So what do we do about them?" Amalda gestured to Max II and Fang II flying far behind them.

"Just, avoid them best you can." Fang said as he spotted flashes below them, "one sec." He dove down towards a crowd of people taking photos of them. He heard the gasps of excitement as he swooped down right in front of them. Right when he was about to crash right into them, he swerved up and grabbed someone's phone in the process.

"Sorry, gotta borrow this!" Fang called back down to the man. He immediately got on the worldwide news and checked for anything with the keyword 'flock'. Immediately, reports of their infamous flock attacking major countries streamed in. He saw blurry and clear photos of Gazzy, Angel, Nudge, Iggy, Max, himself, Amalda, and even Alex and Ally. Some of them looked extremely dark and dangerous, more dangerous than usual. Then he found locations: France, Russia, Florida, Hawaii, Australia, China, Japan, North Pole, and South Pole.

"Dang..." Fang said under his breath. He memorized those locations, returned the phone (which the man started obsessing over), and met back up with Amalda.


"I know the locations, but I don't know where each of them are located." Fang answered.

"Then where are we headed first?"



Hey guys! 

I'm SOO sorry for the super long updates!! I REALLY was busy, AND putting more effort into my Young Justice story, since it was getting interesting...sorry again. Anyways, don't forget to vote, comment, criticize, make suggestions, and tell your friends!!! XD And keep praying about the email! Hasn't come in yet... T-T 

Oh! And while you're at it, what do you guys think of my new profile pic? I think I'm OBSESSED with Maximum Teen best friend agrees. I talk to my friends about Young Justice almost 24/7 and he hates it. Guess that's one thing my crush and I don't have in common.... lol :/

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