Welcome Back, My Fellow Readers! ^_^

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Hey everyone! Welcome back to all my returning readers, and welcome to all my new readers! Hope you enjoy this story as much as all my past readers have enjoyed it!

But if you're new and haven't read my last book, Maximum Ride Again, then go back and read it, because there can be some spoilers in here that change the way you see things completely about this book, starting with a few "Original Characters", or at least one of them is a great example of this....Amalda. Most of you should already know who she is, so I don't have to explain much. I hope...if you still have no idea who this girl is, then you DEFINITELY need to go check out the story title in bold above.

If you HAVE read it, then good for you! And welcome back, again! XD
Hope you enjoy this story! I'm REALLY looking forward for writing for you guys again!

Soar on!

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