Chapter 6

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"You have got to be kidding me..." Max said as she stood in front of Amalda in their room, "didn't we tell you..."

"I know, Mom, and I'm so sorry, honest." Amalda said.

"You're lucky Fang was there, or you wouldn't even be here right now." Max said, arms crossed.

"I know..." Amalda looked at the ground. She glanced back at the doorway where Fang was leaning.

"Well..." Max looked at Fang, and he slowly shook his head, "I'm just glad you're safe. Go to your room." Max said finally, and Amalda walked away, Fang patting her shoulder on the way out, and she chuckled and patted his shoulder in response. Fang walked up to Max,

"She almost died tonight. Let her go. She's learned her lesson."

"But she didn't listen in the first place." Max said.

"I know..." Fang looked at the ground, and to the door, "everyone needs to get downstairs. There's something I need to tell everyone."

"O-okay..." Max answered as Fang left. She followed him out, calling the rest of the flock. They all gathered in the living room.

"So..." Fang cleared his throat, "when I went to Amalda's school, she was attacked by an Eraser." Fang glanced at Amalda, who was looking at the floor, "but this Eraser was...different. He had powers."

"Powers? What did he do?" Max asked.

"He had telekinesis. He was able to move things with his mind." Fang answered.

"Since when do Erasers have powers?" Gazzy asked.

"That's the thing. All Erasers were killed. On our way back from the doctors' office, Fang and I considered that what if Jeb and Ari are clones, just like The Main Man. All the Erasers that were there." Max said.

"But they died in the explosion." Iggy said.

"But there might be more. And these have powers." Fang said.

" what do we do?" Nudge asked.

"What else do we do? Find out where they came from." Max answered.

"I tried to interrogate the guy. He wouldn't talk." Fang said.

"Then we're gonna have to somehow fit the pieces together." Max said as she got up, "meeting adjourned." And she left the room. Everyone got up and left, leaving Fang alone in the living room as they all went back to their business. Fang got up and walked through the glass door out to the deck. He got up on the rails and jumped off. He soared high above the house, and felt the breeze in his face. He closed his eyes, then suddenly heard a whistle. He looked behind him, but it was too late.

"Lights out." He heard someone say, and he was suddenly surrounded by darkness...that almost felt like shadows. All he knew was that it was dark. He flew around, but couldn't get out.

"Who's that!!!" Fang yelled.

"Shut up." A voice said from behind him. He thought it sounded like...himself. Fang immediately clenched his fist and threw a hard punch behind him, but there was nothing there.

"Who are you?!" Fang called.

"None of your business." The voice replied, and he felt a hard blow to his stomach. Fang coughed as he tried to stay airborne, "time to silence you. For good." And he stuck a needle in Fang's arm. Fang started feeling extremely weak, and everything went black before he fell out of the sky.


Hey guys! 

Sorry for the super long updates. But today's the last day of finals AND the last day of school for Christmas Break! So I'm SUPER excited for that! And hopefully I can put more time into writing! Don't forget to comment, criticize, critique, vote, and tell your friends!!! :D

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