Chapter 30

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Police cars came from left and right of the street, what looked like a helicopter came too. I didn't know what to do Myles and I both stood there.

"HANDS UP!" a police yelled. Myles and I put our hands up. Polices came walking over to Myles taking out their handcuffs, cuffing him.

"Myles Blake Parrish, you are arrested for drug dealing. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say will go against in court." The police explain.

I started screaming and crying, they can't take him away from me? I'm lost with him. He was my light, my protecter, I need him.

"Myles, Myles, Myles!!" I yelled screaming and crying. I try to run to him, but a officer pulled me away.

They took him away, leaving me broken.

Next day

"Thank you Christy, on other new police officers have found and captured the drug dealer Myles Parrish. His court trial was today finding him guilty. He will reliever seven years in prison, five for good behave. (an: I made the five years part up)"

I've been crying my eyes out all day. No sleep, haven't eaten, just cried. Hearing Myles was now in prison was so hard. I was dressed and ready to go. I put Myles special "YEE" hoodie on. At least I'll have something of him.

I got to where the prison was and saw Myles standing there getting ready to go in. The officer let Myles out of his cuffs and he walked over to me.

"Hey." He said.

"Hey." I said back.

I couldn't hold the tears, I let them out. I burst into tears feeling Myles' arms wrap around me. "Myles."

"Shhhh. I'll be out before you know it." He said.

He looked at his hoodie I was wearing and smiled, "keep it." He said pointing towards my hoodie.

"You weren't getting it back anyways." I said.

We both chuckled, I sniffles feeling one last kiss from him on my lips. I'm gonna miss his soft pink lips.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too." I said.

"Parrish!" The officer yelled. Myles nodded to him, he slowly let go of my hand and walked away. I just stood there watching him get farther and farther away from me.

One year later...

I was standing in front of the prison taking a deep breath. This is it, I'm seeing Myles again, and for the last time.

I walked in the visiting room, I sat down waiting for Myles. I saw a 5'7 man who had a orange jumpsuit on. His head was still in a poof and had little facial hairs on him. I stood up giving Myles the biggest hug, I decided to wear his sweatshirt again.


"Hey." I said. He sat down taking my hand in his. I miss his touch.

"How've you been?" I asked.

"Other than being in this hell hole, I've been better." He said.

"Good." I said.

"So how've you been, I hear you are now a famous singer. I told you you could do it." He said smiling. Oh my gosh his smile.

"Yes I am, I couldn't have done it without your support." I said.

"Um, Myles?"


"I love you, and I want you to remember that." I said.

"I love you too, and of course I would, what's going on?"

"My manager just scheduled me to do a tour, so I won't be able to see you."


"But when you're done you can come and see me, right." He asked.

I can feel tears forming in my eyes.

"No, no no no, you can't leave me. You're the only thing that's keeping me going." He said.

"I'm sorry Myles. I have to."

"No you're don't, our love is too strong to let go." I saw a tear fall from his eye.

"I love you Myles, I always have and I always will. But I have to. I can't keep walking around seeing everything that reminds me of you. This hoodie, vans, beaches, cars, this tattoo, and my singer career. I can't keep doing this. It hurts me so much because I love you. I can't keep doing this Myles." I said.

"Alessia...please." He said.

I leaned over to kiss his cheek and let my hand away from his.

"Goodbye Myles."

I got up walking away from him. Tears blurred my vision and my nose was stuffed up. I can hear crying, screaming and guards pulling him away.

I got into Myles' car, once I did, I bang on the steering wheel and screamed. I cried and cried. It hurts so much. I let the love of my life go.

I cried while writing this, no joke. But hope you enjoy it.

The Bad Boy Fell For Me | Myles Parrish Where stories live. Discover now