Chapter 8

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Saturday - 2:24 a.m.

I heard rocks hitting my window. I groaned rolling around the bed. I could still hear the rocks. I got up from my bed walking to my window, sliding it.

All of a sudden, something smooshy was thrown into my eye.

"Ow!" I said taking whatever it was.

"Gummy bears?" I said.

"Pssst, Alessia?" I heard a whisper.

"Myles?" I asked.

"Yeah, come outside." He said leaving.

I groaned closing my window. I grabbed my jacket putting it on and walking into the front door. I opened the door seeing Myles with his black hoodie thay says YEE with his hood over his head, jeans, and his black and white vans.

"Myles, it's two in the morning what do you want?" I asked tiredly.

"We're going on an adventure." He said.

"But I'm tired, just because it's the weekend doesn't mean I don't get sleep."

"Oh please, it'll be fun and I'll let you sleep in next time."

"Fine." I went upstairs to go put my socks on and white converse. I put on a t-shirt since I was in my tank top, kept my pajama shorts on, and put my hair back in a ponytail.

I walked downstairs seeing Myles ready as ever.

We walked out of my house after I locked the door and shut it, we went to his car and drove off.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"We're about to find out." He said.

We stopped by the gas station. Myles told me to go in there and pay ten dollars for station six. He gave me a ten dollar bill to pay. I did as he told me to.

I was waiting for my change when a bunch of guys came in the store, they were wearing jackets, dark clothes, and jeans. Skinny and big.

They were checking me out, I mean my pajama shorts were that short right?

The cashier gave me my change and I quickly walked out of the store. They weren't following me, thank god.

"Here's your change." I said giving him his eight dollars and fifty cents back.

I was about to get in the car when Myles asked, "what are you doing?"

"Getting in the car."

"We gotta get food, we may be out for a while." He said. I made an 'o' face closing the passenger door.

We both walked into the gas station again. The same group was here and their eyes were now on me. I stayed as close to Myles as possible.

"Aye, Parrish!" One of the guys said.

"Aye." He said back giving them a bro handshake.

"How's it going?" The guy said.

"Aye, just the same." They laughed leaving me confused.

"Yo Parrish, who's the chick?" Another guy asked.

Myles brought me by his side, "this is my friend Alessia."

"Well hello there lil mama." One of them said.

I gave them a shy wave getting closer to Myles. I heard Myles whisper in my ear, "these aren't nice boys, so I need you get whatever you want and go to the car."

He handed me a couple dollars letting me get what I want. I got Reese peanut butter cups, extreme air heads, chips, than got Myles a hyphy juice and me an ICEE. I paid for them quickly going to the car.

Myles' POV

"Aye Myles, you got yourself a baddy." Eric, one of the guys, said.

"Eric, calm down she's just a friend, I'm not gonna bang her."

"Come on man she got cakes, hit it from the back."

"Eric I'm not gonna treat her like that."

"Okay, but what's her number?"

"Why?" I asked looking at the drinks.

"So I can get a booty call from her." He said laughing and getting other laughter.

My instincts kicked in, I turned around punching Eric right in the jaw.

"What the hell man?!" He asked moving his jaw and picking himself back up.

Before the cashier and anyone had time to speak I walked out of the gas station and to the car.

Alessia's POV

I saw the group of boys walking out of the gas station, the one that called me lil mama walked out moving his jaw around. Myles got in the car furious as hell.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I told you, those aren't nice guys." He said.

With that we drove away going to our destination.

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