Our Love Will Be Remembered... (Ch 5)

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Chapter 5

The perfect moment with Margaret, the one I decided was worth being time freeze, had happened maybe four months after the beginning of our little meetings.

I had come to her house, walking in through the garage, like I always did, but when I had, she was waiting there for me.

With suitcase in her hands.

She had looked at me, with eyes I had never seen her look at me with. They were so full of love and devotion that I actually believe that her love, this love was all I had known... I was actually shock to feel her love for me being so strong. After all the time we had spent together, I always felt like she was trying to be distant, trying to set aside any feelings. I, on my side, hadn't. I don't mean I was clingy and a desperate love puppy. That kind of behavior wasn't something I wanted to be. Yes, I did live for love, but I wasn't a desperate lover.

I was simply a lover.

And I had indeed found myself falling for this woman, with her distinguished manners and endless knowledge, and of course the making love... the making love was quite good. But it wasn't the only thing we shared. Because she taught me other things. She was really educated. She read poetry and great romantic writers. She had her philosopher moments, and her mathematician moments, and her novelist moments, and so many others... but she had her carefree moments too, moments where she was so fun and full of live, imaginative and loving that I couldn't help myself but be in awe before her.

She had so much to offer, and it would have been impossible for me to not love her. But she could have not loved me. That was a possibility. I could have been just another boy, working for her, and distracting her.

But that day, I realized I wasn't just another boy.

The second she had seen me, she had dropped the suitcase and ran in my arms, kissing my lips.

And then she had told me everything.

She was leaving her husband. She was leaving this town, and this country.

Her husband had been a rich man. But Margaret's family had left her a great inheritance. And she had bought a boat.

And she was leaving everything behind, abandoning it all... to be with me.

The shock of this revelation left me paralyzed. She wanted to run away with me? She loved me enough to leave such a scandal behind her? To put her name and reputation in jeopardy for the sake of our love?

The second she said those words, I knew the time had come. Things could never be as perfect and magical as this moment. It was impossible. There would be no comparison to it.

And I knew what to do. She had said she had a boat. And that she was planning to leave.

She was providing the perfect scenario. Leave with her, kill her on the boat and then come back on the shores with the emergency boat, or I could even swim back...

So I had automatically followed Margaret. I had never seen her so happy. And our love could never be as strong as right now...

I have a lot to thank Margaret for... Without her, I wouldn't be the man I am; she was a teacher to me in a way. And I will always love her for that.

Because without her I wouldn't have known all the things I know.

And without this knowledge, without what she thought me, I would never have met her...

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