Chapter 2

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Maddie's POV

I woke up Saturday morning, thankful for no bad dreams last night.  I get up to the smell of breakfast downstairs.  I didn't want to eat though.  I never liked eating.  I overheard the older girls last year, and they said that eating too much makes you fat and nobody wants to adopt the fat girl.  So I didn't like eating breakfast, I didn't usually eat school food (because it was just gross), and I would eat a little at dinner.  If I ate more than that I would usually get sick.

I did however remember that a few people were coming to consider adopting today, so I did look presentable.  I usually liked to sit in my pajamas on a Saturday morning and draw in my notebook.  But today I took off my nightgown and got into the blue and red dress I owned that had dogs on it.  It was funny because some of them had sweaters or hats on!  After buttoning the dress in the back, I pulled my hair out of the collar and let it fall down my back.

I left my room and went next to Dana's room.  "Dana?  Can you do my hair?" I asked as she was pulling her belt into place.  "Yeah.  Go get your brush and I'll be there in a sec." she said.  I went back to my room and found my blue hairbrush.  I brushed my hair out a little so it wouldn't be as hard for Dana.  She came in my room, looking perfect as usual.  She had long brown hair that she curled with pop cans (Dana was resourceful like that), and was wearing a pink tanktop with her gray Nike sweatshirt over it.  Along with that it was her favorite pair of worn in blue jeans.

"What do you want to do with it?" she asked as she sat down behind me on my bed.  "I don't know?  Surprise me!" I said with a smile.  "Alright, gimme your brush." she said as she took four hair-ties off her wrist.  After fifteen minutes I had two long braids down my back tied off with red hair ties.  "Thanks Dana!" I said as she left.  I wasn't sure what to do now.  It's only 9:45 and people don't usually come till 10:30 or 11.  So I had no idea what to do now.

I pulled out my notebook and flipped to the back.  I was running out of space and was going to need a new one soon.  I had a pack of colored pencils that were running short on length and beginning to dull that I pulled out and started to draw.  I laid down on my stomach on the bed and crossed my legs.  I took out the black colored pencil and drew a dog.  I loved dogs!  I wanted one so bad!  Whenever I was in school, I would use every library day to find dog books.  At the book fair I even bought a big Dog Breed Dictionary with the money I had saved from working for neighbors.

I started to draw one of my favorite dog breeds, a Golden Retriever.  They're considered one of the best family dogs, and are so friendly.  I wanted a dog like that really bad.  Whenever someone would talk to me here and ask me what I like 'Dogs, especially Golden Retrievers!' was always the answer.  But for some reason, my answers were never enough for someone to like me enough to adopt, or even come back and talk to again.

I hummed to myself and eventually the tune of Danielle Bradbery's 'Heart of Dixie' came into my head.  "She's got the fire and the fight of a gypsy, ain't nothing stronger than the Heart of Dixie." I sang quietly to myself.  I didn't even hear my door open.  "Maddie Joyce?" I heard my name be called.  I looked up and saw Miss Caroline.  "Yeah?" I questioned.  "Can you come downstairs so I can talk to you?" she asked.  I nodded and got off my bed.  By the time I was at the door, she was already half way down the hall.

I followed after her and went down the stairs.  There were two couples downstairs talking with other girls.  Did she want me to talk to them?  Possibly.  She led me into her office, which was just her work desk in her room.  She held the door open for me and I went in and she followed closing the door.  I sat down in the chair I had sat in one other time when this couple thought of adopting me, but chose a baby instead.  We don't have babies that often so I guess it was a big deal.

"Maddie, you know why you've been here so long right?" Miss Caroline asked.  "Yeah, my Dad died in the war and my Mom was too sick to take care of me." I answered.  It wasn't like it upset me, it's just what I knew.  "Well, how would you like to get out of here?" she asked, lowering her voice.  My voice however, shot up three notches.  "Really?!" I asked.  "Well there's been this lady, Katherine Dawson, who has been meeting and talking with me and she wants to get to know you and might adopt you." she said with a smile.

I was getting really excited, nobody wanted to even think of adopting me for three years.  "But what if she's like the Sinesto's?" I asked.  They were the family that said they were going to adopt me, but took the baby instead.  "I think she's gonna go through with it.  She's met with me, see your file, she really likes you.  She said she's gonna come meet you Monday." she said.  I was all smiles as she told me this.

I might finally have a chance at a family.

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