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*On the previous chapter:
"Babe, what's wrong?" I slightly blushed with the word he used.
"Nothing." I sighed.
"Moon, it's for sure something...you know you can tell me everything. Was it because some of the fans?" I shyly nodded. His first action wasn't telling me that they don't matter because just like I knew, the fans are very important, nor did he said something. He simply pulled me towards him and hugged me very tight like the world was ending or something.


After some time Felix and I let go of each other and I just looked down to my feet because of the little embarrassment I was feeling.
"Hey..." Felix said pulling both of his hands on my cheeks making me look up so that I was looking him in the eyes, just like he was looking in mine. "Don't feel upset about it okay?" He said giving me a slight smile.
"I'm trying to be okay about it, but it's just..." I paused for awhile before I continued. "...they are your fans, they mean the world to you and to the rest of the boys and what if they hate me for being with you? They will probably lose interest in you guys and I don't want to cause that." I said looking away again from him.
"It's true that they are our fans and that they mean the world to us, but it's also true that you are everything to me, you're my world Mae. The fans know that at some point of our life, me and the boys are going to start to have relationships and they can't do anything about it because it's just how life goes, and for me that time came and I couldn't be more happy that you are my girlfriend. That feeling your having about the fans start to lose interest in us because one of us or a couple of us are in a relationship it's just silly though because if that's what happens it's because they weren't really our true fans because I'm 100% sure that the true ones will support us through everything." When he said this, it made me realize that I was being really paranoid about this and that he's right. If they are really their true fans, they will support them in every decision they make.
"You're right, I'm just being stupid and thinking about this kind of stuff." I said finally looking at him and smiling a little.
"You're not being stupid Mae, you're just insecure about it and it's completely normal and believe me, no one can hate you because you are the most amazing person I know, it's just impossible to hate you." He grabbed one of my hands and interlocked our fingers and I blushed a little because of what he said. He's just so perfect that any girl would kill to have him as a boyfriend.
We then stood up from the bench we were in and started to walk towards the house. On our way there, we were stopped by a few fans and this time it didn't bother me if some of them were glaring at me and Felix was even grabbing my hand all the time. When we arrived at the house, no one was home so it was just the both of us. I went to the kitchen to grab something to drink and Felix followed me and sat on a chair.
"You know..." I started after pouring some water on a cup and drink it. "I'm probably the luckiest girl on the entire universe." I said while I leaned on the counter and put the cup down.
"Oh yeah, and why is that?!" He stood up from the chair and came in my direction. When he was in front of me, he put his hands on my waist and I put mine around his neck.
"Well Mr. Sandman, it's because of you." I looked to him to see that he was a little confused about my answer and I giggled with his reaction. "You're such a perfect boyfriend, you can always manage a way to make me smile just by saying or doing simple things, for example today we were just walking in the city and yet it was a really perfect way to spend my day because I was with you and besides, during our walk I even overreacted about something and with your words you made me realize I was being stupid. You just have everything a girl could ask in a boyfriend and to top all of it I am so lucky because you are my boyfriend." I smiled and saw him doing the same. He gave me a really tight hug and I hugged him back. After we release from the hug, he let his hands rest on my waist and made me look at him.
"I really love you Mae, with all of my heart, my brain, my body...god, I even love you with all of my soul and that's why I always try to make you smile because you should always be happy and not upset." He said and after that he kissed me in a passionate way and I kisses him back in the same way. When we broke the kiss, we continued to look at each other eyes but after a while, my neck started to hurt because he is taller than me and I have to be always looking up so that I can look him straight in the eyes.
"Sandy, my neck hurts." I said rubbing my neck a little and pouting.
"Really?!" I nodded. "Why?!" He asked very concerned.
"Because if I want to look at you I have to look up and that makes my neck hurt." I said still pouting. Felix wasn't looking concerned anymore but this time he was amused by my answer, so amused that he even laughed at me. "Why are you laughing at me, it's not funny, it really hurts you know!?" I crossed my arms over my chest while saying in disbelief because my boyfriend was laughing at me instead of being concerned and helping me.
"Babe, that only happens because you're very short." He said still laughing at me. He's teasing me, I know that.
"Are you teasing me, Felix Sandman?" He stopped laughing and when he was leaning to kiss me (probably to stop me from being mad at him), I stopped him by putting my index finger on his lips. "No, that won't happen this time Sandman. No more kisses from now on until I decided so." I said and then he was the one pouting. After a few seconds of watching Felix pout, he put his hands on the back of my thighs, bellow my butt, and lifted me up sitting me on the counter. I was surprised with his action but didn't say anything and wrapped my arms around his neck.
"Is this better? Does this make your neck hurt too?" He asked with a slight grin on his face. I blushed with his action, but then I recomposed myself.
"Yes, it is definitely better." I smiled at him still with my arms around his neck.
"So, that means that is allowed kissing again right babe?" He asked in a sexy way but with hope and excitement still evident on his voice.
"Mmm..." I pretend to be thinking by putting one finger on my chin and also biting my bottom lip. "Well, no." I said to tease him too since he teased me too a while ago.
"Aren't you such a tease Maya Bennett?" He said grinning and leaning towards me and then he brushed his lips on mine. "I like that side of you, it's sexy you know." He said against my lips before crashing his lips to mine and kissing for the millionth time today...not complaining though because I love when he does it. He licked my bottom lip for me to allow his tongue and I opened my lips a little so that our tongues could touch each other. The kiss started to be a little more than just a little kiss and soon Felix started to kiss my neck and some time after I pulled his head up and crashed our lips again and then when he was about to separate our lips, I bit his bottom lip.
"What are you doing with me?!" He said catching his breath and I bitted my bottom lip while he said that. He growled when he saw me biting my lip. "Damn Mae, you can't be that sexy. I can't resist you." He said and crashed our lips, again. While we were kissing, me still being sitting on the counter and Felix being between my legs and securing me , we heard someone's voice.
"Ew, if you want to make out, don't use the kitchen. There's a thing called rooms, you should use it." It was Omar who said it. We broke the kiss and Felix turned around.
"You're right! You don't have or will see us make out, we're going upstairs. He said and turned around to face me again. He told me to wrap my legs around his waist and when I did what he asked, he winked at me. I blushed and buried my head on his neck. After this, Felix got out of the kitchen and went to my room with me all the time in the same position.


⚠️ Warning: Long author note -> read please (or don't, do as you wish, you're the boss in here) ⚠️

* Well first of all, HELLO!! I'M BACK BITCHES!!!! (Sorry for the rude word 。-_-。 ).

* Probably you are really mad at me and you just want to kill me or something because I haven't post a chapter in months, literally. The reason behind this is this hell called school and also lack of imagination. You may think I'm just giving you excuses to my late update , but I'm not. After the last time I posted a chapter, my test started and I had projects to do until last week of school. When my classes ended, I wasn't quite rid of school yet because there's this thing in my country called 'National Exams' that are extremely important for my future because it affects my grades and can affect my entrance on an university so yeah, it was pretty important. That's way I didn't post sooner because I was studying every single day and when my exams were done I had a crisis of imagination, I couldn't think of any possible way to continue this story. I'm sorry for being so late on my update, I hope you understand my point and forgive me.

* I made this chapter longer than usual to compensate you guys for my late update. So that you know, this time I wrote a chapter with more than 1400 words, and I'm referring to only the part that really corresponds to chapter 32.

* I think I'm going to stop doing this 'Author Notes' in the end of every chapter from now on because sometimes I don't have anything important to say, sometimes this notes are probably just me being extremely annoying. Or maybe I'm going to make them extremely short so that I don't make you waste you time reading my notes.

* I don't know if there are people who are still reading this story but if there are thank you for keep reading this fanfic, it means a lot to me!!! You have no idea how glad I am to still have you reading it!!! And to the new readers, HELLO THERE, WELCOME TO THIS STORY!!!!! (I know we are already on chapter 32 but that's okay, welcome anyways!!)

* If there is anyone who is reading this long ass note, I appreciate your effort of reading this even though I'm probably just being annoying like always. But anyway, thanks for reading!

* Just to let you know, this story is almost coming to an end. I don't know how many more chapters there will be, but it won't be many. But we have to create a ship name for Maya and Felix before this story ends. Leave your thoughts, ideas, whatever you want in the comments...

* Oh, before I go, I want to ask something because I always wondered this. Is there any boy who reads this story?

* If you're a boy and you're reading this, please vote and comment and if you're a girl and you are also reading this, vote and comment too!! ^.^

* I LOVE YOU ALL (even my ghost readers who don't comment or vote or didn't even add this story to their reading list). Stay beautiful and don't get mad at me because we need peace in this world!!

Bye 🌙

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