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We celebrate during a few minutes, but then we make silence and heard the band again.

"Congratulations again." All of us smiled with what Omar had said and we all ansewerd with a simple 'thank you'.

"As you all know, you've been choosen to our team, which means that we are all going on tour here in Sweden." OG says and literally everybody smiled, we just can't stop smiling right now. "We thought that as we will spend as much time together on tour we could live together." At this point we were all looking at each other a bit confused.

"What do you mean, living all together?" a girl said, by what I realized when the names were announced, her name is Naomi .

"I explain. We thought that as we will spend a lot of time together during tour, we should start to get used to live with each other, we should move all to just one house and live together." Oscar explained and everyone nodded and seemed excited. I was too, I just don't really know what will be my moms reaction to all of this... I mean, I moved to here barely two months ago and I probably will move to another house already and travel across the country?! I told her this could happened, so I hope she will react well.

While thinking about what would my mom think of all this, I hear a voice, that although already known, it was not Theo's...it's Felix.

"Hey" he said and smiled. I don't know why but I love to see him smile in spite of being only the second time we see each other, and when he smiles, when he looks to me, when he speaks, I get a strange feeling ... a good feeling.

"Hey" I said the same thing as he did, I gave also a small smile and looked down at my feet. I have a feeling that if I looked more time to him, while he's smiling, I would end up blushing and it's not exactly what I want to happen.

"Congratulations," he congratulated and I thanked him. This conversation is getting a bit awkward and I guess I'm not the only one thinking that way.

"I didn't know you had a band" I decided to break the awkward silence that hung around us.

"But I do, well the band is not really mine, is all of us" he said and pointed to the rest of the band and to Daff and Katia. "I didn't know you dance" he said and I can't help but laugh due to the fact that he used a very similar sentence to mine.

"It seems so. I used to take dance lessons in L.A. with a teacher named Matt Steffanina. "When I said the name of Matt he seemed to be shocked.

"Really !? We've been with him just in last week and he told us of a girl named Maya who danced very well but who had moved here and was going to audition for us. I never thought that the Maya that he spoke about were you. "He said with an expression already happier. Matt told them about me?! I can't believe it !!! It means so much to me because 1. it means that he really liked me and 2. it means that I may really dance well because Matt doesn't say that anyone dances well just because.

"He spoke to you about me ?!" I asked with a huge grin on my face.

"Very well actu ..." before ending what he was going to say, Felix was interrupted by Theo.

"Sorry to ruin your moment, but the rest of the 'new crew' will leave all together to know each other better and they asked if you Maya also didn't want to come since you're part of it. Not that I wanted a lot but if it really have to be... "He said that smiling and I gave him a punch in the arm playfully.

"Yes, I will." I told him and he turned back and went to the side of the others.

"It seems that you already have to go right ?!" he said with a slightly sad face.

"It looks like I'm moving to another country, god!!" I giggled a little and Felix did the same. "But yes, I have to go. Most likely we'll see each other shortly. "

"I hope so" as soon as he said it, I felt my cheeks heating up. "Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, you can."

"Can I have your number?" He said and slightly turned his face to other side for me not to notice that he was blushing.

"Yes, I'll give it to you" we exchange our mobile phones to both of us type our numbers and I ended up writing my contact as Mae ❤☾. I just hope he doesn't think I'm weird for putting a heart in my contact. No one ever called me Mae except my grandmother who has passed away. I really never let anyone else call me that, not even the rest of my family so the way I write my contact in his phone means a lot to me.

When I gave him his mobile phone, I saw him smile and as soon as I got mine back, I see how he had recorded his contact. Sandy G 💖❤☀.

Funny that I put mine with a moon and he put his with a sun.



Here's another chapter....I hope you like it ^-^

Yeah!!! I think that this time I took less time to update *claps*

Please vote and comment what you think about my story so far, I appreciate...thanks ^.^

* I think I'm making longer chapters...so I probably will continue doing this size unless you want me to make them longer

P.S.: I might be working on the trailer or not....who knows?!?!?! (I do know hahaha)

P.S.S.: don't forget to keep voting and commenting...I'm loving to know your opinion. It's very important to me to know what you think.

Bye ☾

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