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*Hi there! You probably just forget about me since I don't post in here since december 2015 and basically I disappeared from Wattpad and also I said in the previous update that I was going to delete this story...but I didn't delete it as you can see...

I don't really know why, but I couldn't just delete this book...I just couldn't...

Well the reason I'm here again is to ask you something. I'm having trouble deciding something and I need your opinions.

So, I came across the idea of starting a new fanfic but I remembered I had this one so instead of starting a new one I could start this one all over again but continuing with the same idea that this story originally had OR I can simply continue writing this one (but maybe I can change a few things to make it more interesting)...

I don't know if someone is actually reading this, but if you are PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!

*I LOVE YOU A LOT!!! ❤️❤️❤️

Bye ☾

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