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The three of us stood there looking at each other until Oscar decided to broke the silence.

"Well, actually I'm here because we are about to watch a movie and I was supposed to ask you guys if you want to come, but you seem pretty busy right now so forget I was here and keep doing whatever you were doing." I looked at Felix and he nodded.

"We would love to watch a movie." I smiled.

"Okay then." he left the kitchen.

"Wow!! That was a bit strange." Felix said, more to himself than for me.

"Yup, it really was." I said popping the 'p'.

We headed to the living room and sat on the floor, since the couches were all filled.

"What movie are we going to watch?" I asked.

"Now you see me." Noah said and something strange happened.

"I love this movie." Felix and I said at the same time. Okay, this is getting out of control because this is not the first time this happens. I'm not joking, it's getting weird.

"You guys speaks at the same time now?" Emma said impressed "It's cute, though."

"No, we don't" and we did it again...

"Okay, this is too much coincidence. I'm serious, we didn't make it on purpose" this time I said all alone.

"She's right." Felix agreed with me "Can we watch the movie, please?" Omar gets up and start the movie.


The movie has ended and everyone except me and Olly are sleeping.

I decided to grab a glass of water and when I asked Olly if he wanted also one, he just came with me.

" So, how are you dealing with all of this situation?" I pick up a glass and go to the fridge to get water.

"What situation?" I saw Olly sit on the counter.

"Living with other 9 teenagers and with Daff and Kat." I seat in a chair near him.

"It's been amazing. How about you?" I sipped a little bit of my water.

"I was used to live with the boys, so it's not very different. Although this time I'm living with 5 girls instead of just one." I giggled.

We kept talking for like 20 minutes until we heard Ellie entering the kitchen.

"What are you guys doing?" she seemed a bit jealous. I've noticed before that they look at each other differently from the way, for example, Ellie looks at the other boys.

"Well, hello to you too miss" Olly said and we laugh.

"We were just talking about this new experience of living with a lot of teens." she nodded. I decided to let them alone.


New day. That says pretty much everything. It means just one more day working on the tour.

We are all sitting on a couch in the dance studio, talking.

"I've been thinking on something lately." we heard Theo saying "will you guys say who we are only in the beginning of tour?" he asked.

"Actually we tweet about you a few days ago. We didn't tell the Foooers who are you, though." Oscar said.

"Naomi and I heard two Foooers talk about the 'new dancers' when we went to the supermarket and they seemed excited to meet us." I made air quotes with my fingers when I said 'new dancers'.

"Maybe we should just tell them." Felix said.



*Yeah!!!! One day, I took just one day to update....

*Oh, you should see the movie 'Now you see me' it's so cool...to the ones who have never heard of him, it's a movie about magicians who robs a bank in stage and do a lot of cool tricks on stage (I'm not being a spoiler, don't judge me okay?)...it's a pretty cool movie.

*Probably almost no one reads my notes. But if you are reading this HELLO!!!

Please keep voting and commenting...thanks ^.^

P.S.: I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! ❤️❤️❤️

Bye ☾

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