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*On the previous chapter (chapter 29):

In the grass, there was some candles that are light up. But there not just there, they are forming the words 'Can I call you mine?'.

I felt his eyes on me, so I turned my head to him and didn't said anything.

"What do you say?" only the light of the moon and the few light of the candles made him look even more beautiful...how can I say no to him, especially if I feel the same as him? The answer is I can't...

"I would love if you could call me that."as soon as I said it, his smile grew bigger and he came towards me and kissed me lifting me up.


When Felix grabbed me and our lips touched, the butterflies inside me went crazy...he makes me feel weird, a good kind of weird. When I'm with him I feel like nothing can really hurt me because he makes me feel safe like no one has made me feel before.

After a few seconds, we separated our lips but we stayed hugging each other.

"You want to know something?" he asked while looking me in the eyes. I just nodded to let him know that he could continue speaking. "I was wanting for the day that I could do this, the day I could just kiss you. I was waiting for this day to happen and I was scared that you would start to grow feelings for Lucas and start dating him. I was scared that this day would never come and I wouldn't be able to hold you like this and wouldn't be able to say that I have the most beautiful girlfriend in the whole world and that her name is Maya Bennett!" at this point I couldn't say anything and I just hugged him, but after the hug I decided to speak.

"You're so clichè!" I laughed and he just pouted. "But you're the kind of clichè that I love!" I saw his smile grew bigger and instantly I also smiled.

"Aww...you guys are so cute!" we heard a voice coming from somewhere. We stopped hugging each other and looked towards the voice and saw practically everyone staring at both of us, leaving us two nothing embarrassed (note the sarcasm -.-).

"U-um...how long have you been there?!" Felix asked, looking a little bit embarrassed.

" 'You want to know something?' " Oscar said trying to imitate Felix's voice, and also mocking him.

" 'But you're the kind of clichè that I love' " this time was Naomi mocking me while everyone was laughing at both of us.

"Can you please stop? You aren't even that funny!" I said frowning at them.

"Oh c'mon, you have to admit it was funny Mae!" Omar said still laughing.

"Whatever." Felix said while grabbing my hand and pulling me towards my room.

"YOU CAN'T STAY AWAY FROM US FOREVER!" we still heard Emma shout from downstairs and everyone burst out laughing. Felix and I just rolled our eyes.

"They're so childish!" Felix said muttering.

"Just forget about it...remember that we made fun of Naomi and Oscar too once because of their PDA!" both of us just giggled because of the thought of their faces when we saw them.

We stayed in my room until dinner time. During dinner they were still mocking us, but we just brushed it off and sometimes we even laughed with them. After dinner, the ladies and I cleaned the kitchen and after that we decided to join the boys in the living room since they were watching some show that was on the TV.

When we got tired of watching TV, each one of us went to 'our' rooms. 'Our' being Felix coming to my room, Oscar coming to Naomi's room, Olly to Ellie's room and Omar to Emma's room.

Once in the room I heard my phone giving me the sign I received a text message. I went to grab my phone and read the message. While I was reading it, I felt two harms around my waist, hugging me from behind.

"Who's texting you?" he asked near my ear making me shiver a little. I bit my bottom lip with nervousness because I don't know what his reaction will be if I tell him that the person texting me is Lucas asking me if I want to hang out tomorrow. "Moon?!" he said again into my ear.

"Oh, u-um it's Lucas asking me if I want to hang out tomorrow." I said while turning around to face him, seeing him frowning and he stopped hugging me but continued with his hands on my waist. "I'm texting him saying I am busy tomorrow." when I said this I saw him smile a little.

"Are you really busy tomorrow or you are just going to lie to him?" he said pulling me closer to him by the waist.

"Of course I'm busy tomorrow. I'm busy spending time with my handsome, cute and jealous boyfriend." I said smirking making he do the same.

"I'm not cute because I'm a man, you know?!"

"Of course yo are!" I giggled while saying it.





*It's so nice to be back!!!

*So, as I said before this is chapter 30 written all over again!! I hope you liked and stay tuned for more chapters!!!

*How have you been? Tell me everything that's been going on. I'm here for you!!

*I Love You All! ❤️❤️❤️

*Thank you so much for the support you have been giving me. It means a lot!

*Please keep supporting me and STAY BEAUTIFUL!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️

P.S.: Time for self-promotion (sorry -.- ). As you know already (because I keep saying the same thing) I make book covers, so if you need one just feel free to ask me!! ^.^

Bye ☾

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