Running From Love

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A/N: What do you guys think so far?

I ran until I knew Steve wasn't close behind me. I jumped into the air ducts and hid, not wanting Steve to find me.

"JARVIS, don't, under any circumstance, tell Steve or anyone else where I am. Okay?" I whispered. The AI didn't respond, but I knew he'd do as I asked. He was polite.

I crawled around until I found a big space in the air ducts. I sat there and went through everything Steve had said.

I can't let him get too close. He'll get hurt. I can't do it again.

My shoulder burned, but it also felt better than it did when it was dislocated.

I strained my ears, trying to find out where Steve was in the tower. I quickly found him and crawled through the ducts toward where he was. 

"Alexx? Alexx, where are you?" Steve walked around the tower, searching everywhere for me.

Why is he looking for me? Why does he care so much? If I let him get close to me, he'll get hurt, and it will be my fault. I have to tell him, though. I can't just let him look for me without knowing why I ran off.

I jumped out of the vent and found Steve asking Nat if she'd seen me. Nat looked past him, her eyes on me. Steve spun around with a worried expression on his face.

"Alexx, why did you run?" Steve asked, running to me.

"Can we talk about it somewhere else?" I asked.

"Yeah. Yeah, of course."

I led Steve to my room -- Tony gave me a room to stay in -- closing the door. Then I started to explain myself. "I'm sorry, I just...whenever I let someone get close to me, they end up getting hurt. And that's why I don't let anyone get close to me."

I bit my bottom lip, not knowing how to feel. Steve was going to leave. And I wouldn't blame him. If he stayed, he would get hurt.

"I understand, but that doesn't mean you should just push me away." Steve sighed.

"Steve, you don't understand. If you stay with me, you will get hurt. It always happens. And it hurts me just as much." I turned away and sat on the round bed Tony got me.

Steve sat next to me. "Alexx, I don't care if I get hurt -- "

"But I do!" I shot off the bed and yelled at Steve.

I opened the door and left the room. Yes, I was running from him again. Why? I don't know.

I ran back to the big space in the vents, hiding from everyone. I didn't want to be responsible for someone I cared about getting hurt again.

I heard someone crawling toward me. "Al, what are you doing?" Ryan sat next to me. 

"Hiding." I mumbled, tucking my chin into my knees.


I turned to him. "Ryan, why are you here? When did you get back?"

"Just this morning." Ryan replied. "Now tell me, why are you hiding?"

I sighed. "Steve told me he loves me -- "


 I nodded.

"Do you love him?"


"Do you love him?" Ryan repeated.

"Yes. I do. I do love him, but I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because he'll get hurt, just like everyone else that gets close to me. And I won't be able to live with myself if it happens to him too."

"Al, come on. I'm going to talk to him, and I'm sure he'll want to talk to you when I'm done. You have to tell him everything that you have ever told me. I'm sure he'll understand." Ryan hugged me close and I hugged him back, nervous about how all this would turn out.

Ryan and I jumped out of the vents and went to my room. "Stay in here. I'll send Steve in when we're done talking." Ryan said. I nodded.

I sat on my bed and waited for Steve. I looked at the old picture of my family. Ryan was right. I had to tell Steve everything.

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