Chapter 3

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The zombies eyes were bloodshot and dilated. It wasn't clear if they could see us or not.

We remained silent.

Moans echoed thought the damp, dark pharmacy. As they shuffled towards us I slid backwards towards max.

My shoes started to splash in the blood.

One of the zombies heads shot up. He crooked his neck on a weird angle in the direction of the noise.

He was looking straight at me but I had an odd feeling he couldn't see me. Or if he could, not very well.

He tilted his nose into the air and sniffed violently. He took steps in my direction. Very slowly, but steadily.

His friend followed.

The splashing blood covered their legs within seconds.

The knife still tight in my hand. As I continued to back up to Max, the couple started to gain speed.

My back smacked against Max's chest. He held my shoulders tightly. I lifted my eyes to meet with his, then I darted my eyes to the isle. He nodded as if reading my mind

"Now!" I shouted.

Max and I pushed the isle next to us down in front of the zombies. They screeched and backed away.

I ran down the back of the pharmacy, Max close on my tail.

We collected Pax, Karli and Jordan and finally sprinted down towards the exit.

The zombies had regained stability and were quick to follow us. Not by watching us, but by listening. I could tell by the way their ears would twitch when the sound vibrations of our steps rang through the building.

The way their bodies moved was phenomenal, it was like they could in hinge their joints and twist into the most awkward positions.

My legs were pounding from running so much. As we reached the car the zombies were out if the pharmacy and heading towards us.

"Now would be a good time to unlock the car Carmen!" Paxton yelled as she repeatedly pulled on the car door.

I dropped the knife and fumbled my hands in my pockets.

No keys.


"Uh..." I said panicking.

"What?" Karli asked, the fear in her voice rung through my ears.

"I can't find them!"

The zombie were getting closer and at a steady rate.

"For fuck sakes!" Max yelled as he slammed his fist on the top of the car.

My eyes searched the ground. The chance of finding my keys were slim to none.

"There!" Jordan practically screamed, his arm pointing at the ground just behind a zombies foot.

Before I could say anything Jordan took off toward the zombies.

"No!" I screamed beginning to chase after him.

"Stop!" Max snatched my arms and yanked me back. Making me watch Jordan's fight.

The zombies began clawing at Jordan. He lifted the knife and sliced one of the zombies throat. A gurgle escaped his mouth as he slunk to the ground grasping his wound. Dark blood seeped from his skin, the blood was too dark to be human.

The next zombie had a hold of his arm and was trying his best to deliver it to his watering mouth. Jordan's free hand began punching the killers head. Thud. Thud. Thud. Crack. He had broken the fragile skull, the captured arm became free as he slashed at the zombies deformed face. High pitched screams came from him. His body still putting up a fight.

I escaped from Max's hold and bolted toward Jordan.

Jordan still attacking at full speed. I came in behind him and raised the knife above the creature. Before I knew It I plunged the knife down into his neck.

A piercing scream filled the air while the vertebrae snapped.

He became limp and fell next to his partner.

Jordan was panting heavily. He was bent over with his hands on his knees regaining his breath.

"Here" he said as he threw the keys toward me.

"Let's go" he stated.


The car ride was peaceful.


If decomposing pedestrians is peaceful.

I lifted my eyes to the rear view mirror, Karli and Max were looking out the window quietly. I couldn't help but notice Jordan's sketchiness, he was so laid back about the fight it was extremely unsettling.

Paxton was twirling the knife onto her index finger while she clicked her tongue.

"Think this will work?" She piped up. Her eyes not leaving the steel blade of the knife.

I sighed and grasped the wheel tightly. "Honestly Pax... I don't know." I but the inside of my cheek.

The chances of this working is...



Scientists from all around the world have been trying to find a cute for this epidemic for five months now.

I'm pretty sure they would have tried antibiotics.

I rolled my head back in defeat.

This is it.

No more mum.


Pulling into the driveway gave me a sick feeling.

As I opened my car door and pulled the plastic bag from the glove box I threw it to Karli.

Bad idea.

She's about as coordinated as a lamp.

The medication flew everywhere.

"Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!" She said as she frantically picked up pill cartons.

I smiled. She's an egg.

"Mum I'm back!" I yelled

No answer.

"Go to the lounge" I instructed.

They obeyed and hurried to the couch.

I crept up the hallway and knocked on my mums bedroom door.



I slowly opened the door...

I gasped. "No!"

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