Chapter Thirty - Final goodbyes

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Chapter Thirty


This is it. Leaving day. England here I come. Don't make me leave. I slowly climbed out of bed and changed into my leggings and comfy t-shirt. I left my hair down and didn't bother with any make up. After all I would be stuck on a plane for 24 hours.

I had to start over again. I had no one in England anymore. I didn't stay in touch with any of my friends.

The boys were coming over to say goodbye but I wasn't sure when. "Luci, can you bring your suitcase down!" Mum shouted. "Now coming!" I shouted back taking a final look at my room. I closed my bedroom door for the last time and headed downstairs. My suitcase was really heavy and I could hardly lift it. As soon as I was down Steve took my suitcase and put it in the back of the car.

As soon as I watched my bag go in the car I went back inside to make sure I had everything. "Luci," Cody said making me jump. I turned and threw myself into his arms. He wrapped me in a tight hug and kissed my forehead. After I hugged Cody I turned and hugged the rest of the boys. "Do you have to leave?" Jake asked loud enough for Mum and Steve to hear. "Unfortunately," I replied.

"Time to go," Mum said rubbing my arm supportively. I nodded and gave the boys another hug. Cody held my hand. I didn't want to let him go. Not again.

I started to cry as I headed to the car. "Come back soon," Josh said pulling me into yet another tight hug. I felt Cody stiffen beside me as I hugged Josh. "I will try. You should all come to England but bring a coat because it's cold there," I said jokingly. "I'll have to buy one," Josh replied copying my joking tone. Steve beeped the horn and shouted "Luci! Let's go! We'll miss our flight!" Cody held me close to him. "Not such a bad thing," he whispered. I kissed him softly on the lips and hesitantly let go of him.

I climbed into the car and shut the door. Tears fell from my eyes as I put my hands on the window. Cody noticed and put his hands, the other side of the window, over mine. It only lasted a second before we were driving away.

I looked out the back window to see them all running after the car as fast as they could. Tears began streaming down my face and my silent crying became full on sobbing. Mum lent round and put her hand on my knee. I brushed it off not really wanting to talk to either her or Steve for making me leave my home. Again.

We arrived at the airport and hurried through security. Soon enough we were boarding the plane to go back to England. Back to nothing. Away from home.

Goodbye Australia. Goodbye Cam. Goodbye Jake. Goodbye Josh. And most of all goodbye Cody. I don't know when I will see them again or even if I ever will. Today I may have lost my four best friends. Time to start all over again.


So this is the final chapter of this story! I hope you have enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Thank you all for all the support you have given me with this! I love you all!!

This was dedicated to my best friend Luci (a huge Cody fan).

Even though it's over please keep sharing and voting and commenting! Thank you!! Love from Lauren

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