Chapter Four

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Cody and I finished our work for today and arranged to have a break tomorrow and go to the beach instead. I would be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to the beach. Maybe school will be better after the beach.

The next day I met with Alli again to walk to school. Cody came out before Alli again like yesterday. "Meet me after school? About Four? Meet me here?" Cody said dropping his board on the floor. "Sure sounds great," I said smiling. "See you at school!" Cody shouted as he skated off towards school. I laughed to myself and Alli came out the door towards me.

We walked to school slowly. When we got to school we went our separate ways to our class rooms. Today I had History last lesson. The whole day seemed to go okay. I heard one person talk about me but then someone that sounded like Cody tell them to stop being so horrible. I smiled when I heard him say it but I was still the loser. I still sat by myself at lunch and no body spoke to me in lessons. Still the loser.

Finally, last lesson came and as I took my seat in History behind Cody I saw him slip me a note. I opened it slowly and it said: 'Luci, so Jake is coming to the beach but it is only the three of us. Is that okay? I think it will be great! Can you surf? Cody' I smiled and wrote a note back. It said: 'Cody, yeah that's fine. I'm glad there isn't loads of people! No but I would love to learn! Luci' I threw it over his shoulder to him. I saw him laugh to himself and open the note. As he started to write another note the teacher came in.

After History I walked to my locker to collect some books. "Luci!" I heard a girl call. "Hey Alli," I said cheerfully. "Can I walk back with you?" She asked. "Of course," I said locking my locker and picking up my bag. As we were walking out of the school gates we heard someone else call our names. We turned round to see Cody and Jake. "Hey guys," Cody said. "Hey bro," Alli said. "Dude why are we walking with Luci?" I heard Jake ask. "Leave it mate, she's cool." Cody replied. I was hurt but happy at the same time.

When we got back to our houses Cody, Alli and Jake all went into Cody's house. I went into my house and went straight upstairs to change. Mum wasn't in again but then I was getting used to that now. She comes back late from work during the week so I would have to make myself some dinner later. Four o'clock came and I left my house to meet Cody and Jake.

Cody and Jake came out both carrying surf boards. I felt like the odd one out. "Jake agreed we will both teach you to surf." Cody said smiling at me. "Okay but a little warning, my balance is awful!" I said grinning. They bithch laughed and we headed to the beach.

Once we got there we settled our little area and Cody and Jake went to surf before they taught me. About half an hour went passed before they came back. "Are you ready then?" Cody asked. I nodded and he helped me up. I first started on the sand while Cody and Jake were telling me what to do. Then they let me in the water. Cody let me use his surf board. Cody swam beside me and Jake was on my other side on his surf board. "Catch this wave!" Cody shouted. I nodded and felt nerves start to over take me. The wave got close and i started doing what the boys had told me to. First paddle. Then crouch. Finally, stand. I done all of the instructions i was given while Cody held onto the board. "You're a natural!" Cody shouted. "Are you sure you have never surfed before?" Jake asked while trying not to fall. I laughed but made my foot slip. I fell straight towards Cody. Jake laughed and watched as Cody tried to more out of the way. I went straight under water but managed to get myself up again.

We continued surfing for about an hour and I was starting to get the hang of it. Cody and Jake were really nice to me and I was beginning to feel like maybe things were getting better. After surfing we all laid on the beach talking and laughing. I had never had so much fun at the beach before.

We headed home and walked Jake back to his on the way. "See you both tomorrow!" Jake said as he went into his house. Me and Cody were alone again. "So why don't you come and sit with all of us at break and lunch time?" Cody asked me. "Can I meet you first though?" I asked. "I will meet you at your locker at the start of break and lunch." Cody said. I smiled and nodded.

The next day I woke up and in the normal routine I went to meet Alli. As normal Cody came out before Alli. As he went passed me he smiled and shouted 'See you later!' I smiled and Alli came out. We walked to school together and when we got there we went our separate ways.

When I got to my locker Cody and Jake were there with two other boys. "Hey Luci," Jake said. "Hey Jake, hey Cody," I said. "Luci this is Campbell Carsley and Josh Winnington" Cody said introducing the other two boys. "Hi," I said smiling and unlocking my locker. "So are you sitting with us at lunch and break then?" Campbell said. "I think so, if that's okay?" I said locking my locker again and picking up my bag.

The four of us walked to my classroom. "See you later," Josh said as they left and walked to their class. As I took my seat I noticed everyone in the class looking at me. "As if they talk to her," I heard one girl whisper. I held my head up and walked quickly to my seat.

At break time I went to my locker to meet Cody. I got there and Cody was already leaning against my locker. "Take your time," he joked. I laughed and we walked together to the canteen. When we got there we sat at their table. It felt like the whole canteen was staring at me. "Ignore them," Josh said joining us and sitting beside me. "So they are staring?" I asked looking down. "Yeah, but just look up and don't let them annoy you," he said smiling at me.

We sat around talking and I was introduced to a few more people. I don't think I will be able to remember all their names. The bell rang and Cody an I walked to history. We walked in the room together and again people stared. I don't understand why they were staring.

I looked at Cody and he gave me an encouraging smile. It made me feel better. He came and sat by me. "It's alright. Go and sit with your friends. I don't mind." I said to him. "But Luci, you are my friend." I smiled to myself. It made me finally get used to the fact that I was here to stay.

The lesson ended and Cody and I got up to leave. That's when I heard the whispering. I sighed and left the room. Cody at my side. "just ignore them." Cody whispered in my ear as I quickly wiped away the tear falling from my left eye.

We met with Jake, Campbell and Josh at lunch and sat down in the canteen. I could feel the judgement all around me, so I kept my head down.

"Luci, are you alright?" Josh asked me when Cody, Jake and Cam went to get food. I smiled and nodded. "yeah I'm fine!" I said. He looked at me clearly unconvinced but nodded. "I'm here for you, okay?" I smiled. He pulled me into a hug. "Thanks Josh."

After school Cody and I went to my house to do some more of our History project. After another two hours of work Cody went home and we arranged to walk to school together tomorrow.

I felt bad leaving Alli out but Cody said she was walking with her friend Sophie so I agreed.

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