Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Finally back home. Australia was beautiful as always. It was only me home for two weeks. I was staying at Jake's because I didn't want to stay at my house by myself.

I collected my bags and headed for the exit. "CODY!" I heard someone shout. I ran towards the voice and hugged Jake. "Missed you bro, a lot has happened since I last saw you," Jake said making me feel confused and slightly uncomfortable. "Like what?" I asked. "Let's have a guys night and we can tell you everything," Jake said leading me to the car.


Josh was going to meet up with Cam so I was left by myself thinking about what happened last night. Josh hadn't asked me to be his girlfriend or anything so did it mean anything to him? Or to him was it just what he wanted all along?

Josh had left about two hours ago and he hadn't text me since he left. Just as I went to shower my phone vibrated next to me.

From: Jake

Just thought I should let you know, Cody is here. He is staying with me for two weeks. I know you leave in two days but I think you should talk to him. See you later!

I quickly replied.

To: Jake

Thanks for letting me know. Yeah I think I do want to talk to him. We can go to the beach before I leave or something?

Jake didn't reply but then again he hadn't seen Cody for a while. I quickly went into my bathroom and showered. I really wanted to see Alli but I knew she wasn't back. I don't know if I would ever see her again now I'm going back to England.


I met up with Cam and we decided to stay in. I had been here for about an hour and we were sitting watching tv." Josh are you alright?" Cam asked. "Not really," I said honestly. Cam was probably the only person I would truly open up to and right now I needed it. "What's up?" He asked concerned. "Well last night I slept at Luci's. And things got pretty heated, I guess," I said awkwardly. "Did you and Luci do IT?" Cam asked emphasising 'it'. "Yeah, what should I do?" I asked. "Sorry mate, I don't know," he said.

Damn. I was hoping he would. "So how are you and Phoebe?" I asked him changing the subject. "Good, I guess, I had dinner with her family last night, which was good but so scary!" He said laughing.

We sat around talking until I received a text from Jake.

From: Jake

Cody's back!! Guys night at mine! Meet us in an hour. Beach.

I showed Cam and we decided to head to the beach now.

The hour quickly passed and finally Jake and Cody came running towards us. We had a big group hug and sat on surf boards. "Come on then, fill us in, how's LA?" I asked Cody. "Crazy as always! Kylie is still hanging around. Is that Luci?" Cody asked. We all turned to look where he was and sure enough there she was.


To be honest me and Luke were still good friends. When he phoned me this morning though I was a bit surprised. We spoke for a while and decided we should just go back to being friends. Nothing more. It was nice to see him again. "So how've you been?" He asked me as we strolled down the beach. "Alright I guess, me and Cody split up so I was awful for a long time but I'm better now," I replied. He smiled at me and put his arm round my shoulders in a supportive way. I laughed and shrugged him off. "What about you?" I asked. "Still single, still me," he replied. Is that good or bad?

I looked out to the sea to see Jake, Josh, Cam and Cody all sitting together. I waved to them and Jake and Cam waved back. Cody and Josh both looked at me but didn't do anything. I went back to walking with Luke.


Luke. Really. Luke. I just wanted to run over there and take her away. I needed her. I really needed her.

A few hours passed and we didn't see Luci or Luke again. "Let's go back to mine," Jake said. "Sorry guys I can't tonight, see you tomorrow," Josh said before standing and leaving. "Just us three then," I said helping Jake and Cam up and grabbing my board. I didn't surf but it's always good to have it here.


Today with Luke was weird. I only had one day left in Australia. I didn't want to leave but maybe it's for the best. I got home and mum and Steve were being themselves as normal. Packing. That's all I was doing tomorrow. Getting ready to move again.

I made myself some pasta and headed to my room.


We made our beds in Jake's room. And decided to sit around talking. "So come on then, what's been going on?" I asked. "Where to start," Jake started. "Well, Luci is going back to England not tomorrow but the day after, I passed my exams so that's good, any more Cam?" Jake said. She was leaving that soon? I knew she was going but I thought I would have a week at least. I have one day to get her back. "Dunno," Cam said. "Cam, what do you know?" I asked. "Okay erm I don't know how to tell you, but put it this way, Luci isn't a virgin anymore." Cam said. "I thought you had a girlfriend!?" Jake shouted. "Not with me you idiot! With someone else," Cam replied. I can't believe this. I was meant to be her first. "Cam. Who was it with?" I asked. "Sorry mate but Josh." He said making the room fall silent. I jumped to my feet and ran towards Luci's house.

I knocked (or smashed) on the door and waited for someone to answer. Suddenly, the door came open and Luci's mum stood there smiling. "Oh hi Cody, haven't seen you in a while," She said hugging me tightly. "Nice to see you, is Luci here?" I asked calmly. "Yeah, she's in her room, go up," She said moving out of the way for me. I ran up the stairs and pounded on Luci's door. "Come in!" She shouted. Her voice still made me melt.

I burst into her room and stood above her. "How could you!" I shouted. "Nice to see you too." She replied standing and shutting her door. She went over to her bed and sat down before gesturing for me to take a seat. "What have I done?" She asked. "You had sex with Josh." I replied. "I don't really see how that is any of your business. After all at least I wasn't in a relationship at the time." She said bluntly. My heart fell into two pieces. My eyes filled with water and Luci just looked at me.

The only emotion showing in her eyes was anger. She was angry. At me. My stupid fault. "Luci you know I'm sorry." I said. "Bit late for that now." She replied. "I still love you." I blurted out. I couldn't hold it back any longer. I love her. I really love her. "Don't say that," She replied. "Please don't say that," She repeated with tears filling her eyes. "I can't hear that," she said wiping her tears away. "Not now. I need a fresh start. I'm going to England again and I can't have this to deal with as well." She said. "I should go," I said still angry. It wasn't over. Not yet.

I left Luci's house and went further down the road to Josh's house.

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