Chapter Twenty-Three

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Luci had never spoken to me with such hatred in her voice. "Luci, let me ex-" I started before she cut me off by saying "There is nothing to explain Cody. You had sex with her. End of story. Now if you don't mind I would like to be alone." That was it there was nothing else I could do. I turned and left her room. As she shut the door I heard her gentle sobs. I just want to hug her and make everything better.

"CODY ROBERT SIMPSON GET HERE NOW!" Mum shouted. I walked towards her knowing what she would say. "I know mum," I said as I walked into my hotel room. "Then why did you go out!? You're grounded!" Mum shouted. "I had to see her mum!" I shouted back. Dad walked in just then. "Stop." Dad said making me and mum stop arguing. "What is happening? We're a family. We don't argue like this. Cody your mum is right, you shouldn't have left this room. That is it." Dad said. I walked away and onto my balcony.


I sat on my balcony and ignored every knock there was at my room door. I just had to be alone. I looked down to the streets below. Everyone down there living their lives. I was just watching people walk by when there was another knock at the door. Again I tried to ignore it when I heard the familiar female voice. "Luci, can I come in?" I walked to open the door. "Hey Als," I said letting Alli in. "How are you doing?" She asked apologetically. "Fine, I just don't understand why he did it," I said going back to my bed. "I don't know either," She replied.

Alli convinced me to still go to Cody's show tonight. She said there was going to be an after party and I knew Alli wouldn't leave me with Cody.

I showered and changed ready for the show and Alli curled my hair and done my make up for me. When I was done I looked in the mirror and the girl that looked back at me wasn't myself. She was strong. She was the image of my mum at my age. I smiled to myself. "You look amazing!" Alli squealed in excitement. I had to admit I quite liked the new look Alli had gave me.

We both went down to the hotel reception where we were meeting everyone to go to the show. Brad, Tom and Cody had already gone as Cody had to do a quick sound check. When we got down Angie, Jake and Jeff were waiting for us. Alli went straight to Jake and he wrapped his arm around her waist. Angie looked at them lovingly before taking my arm and leading me to the car that was waiting for us.

We all climbed in and Jeff drove us to the venue for tonight's show. It didn't take long before we were there. When we arrived there was hundreds of screaming girls waiting to catch a glimpse of Cody. We drove round to the door that would take us back stage. We went. Through a massive metal gate with security guarding it. We parked and all climbed out. Jake was holding Alli's hand but he was still one of my best friends so had his arm round my shoulders in a supportive way. I smiled at him and we all walked in.

Cody was in his dressing room so we all went in to see him before the show. Brad was sitting next to Cody and Tom was playing games on an iPad. Cody looked up as we entered the room. He smiled at me before going back to his guitar. That stupid perfect smile. God dammit Cody.

I sat on a chair in the corner on my phone. I went onto Twitter to see a DM from Kylie. It said 'I won Bitch.' I stood up and walked out of the room. I just wanted to be alone. I wanted to be home. I found an empty area and sat by myself. I wasn't letting her win. "Luci?" I heard. I turned around but there was no body there. "Luci?" I heard again. Then I saw him. Standing there was the perfect silhouette I fell in live with. Cody Simpson. The only one that could break my heart the way he has. "Leave me alone," I said as a tear escaped from my eye. "Not until I at least properly apologise. What I did was unforgivable. I understand that, but just please hear me out," he said moving closer and sitting beside me. "I might regret this but okay," I said.

We sat there while Cody was saying how sorry he was. "I didn't want it to happen-" he was saying before I stopped him. "Then why do it? You could have easily stopped it from happening!" I said standing up and turning away from him. "Luci, Please," he said grabbing my hand. I looked down to my hand in his. "I hate you." I said looking into his eyes. At my words he started crying. Shit. "I hate you," I said again. "You said." He said letting my hand go and sitting down again. "I hate how you have the power to make me feel like dirt on the bottom of your shoe. I hate how much I love you. I hate how much you can break my heart. And I hate how much you mean to me. That's why I don't think I can stay any more." I said as he looked to me. His perfect beautiful blue eyes filled with tears that would soon be rolling down his face. "I love you." He said. "I love you. That's why I have to let you go. Goodbye Cody." I said kissing his cheek one last time before walking to his family.

"Guys I'm sorry, I can't do this, I'll be back at the hotel, I'm sorry," I said as Angie pulled me into a tight hug. "I'll take you back," Alli said. "Alli, I love you and everything, but I kind of want to be by myself right now, I'll see you later," I said heading to the exit with tears streaming down my face.

As soon as I got outside girls started screaming. "Luci! Can we have a photo!?" One shouted. "Sorry guys, not today," I replied as they looked at me confused. I climbed into the back of a taxi and let the tears fall again. Cody and I were officially over.

We got to the hotel and I quickly got to my room and let myself in. I changed into my comfy clothes, took off my make up and curled into my bed. I cried. I have never cried so much. There was a knock at my door so I stood up and answered it. Standing in front of me was Kylie Jenner. She started laughing when she saw me. "Like I said. I won." She said before pushing me to the ground. "You haven't won anything. What were we competing for? Cody was my boyfriend." I said standing up and shoving her back. "Well I took his virginity." She said trying to make me cry again. Not this time. Before I could stop myself I hit her square in her face. "You've already broken my nose do you want to do any more damage?" She shouted. "Well while you're asking yeah." I said shoving her out of the door so she fell into the wall behind her. I slammed the door in her face as she was running towards me again.

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