Chapter Nine

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I climbed down my ladder and headed to the beach. I text the boys saying: 'Meet me at the beach. Now!' As I walked passed Jake's house I saw him come out of his door. "Mate what's up?" Jake said. "It's Luke. He is meeting someone at the beach and I don't think he is going home to his mum like he told Luci." I said. Me and Jake started running and a soon as we got to the beach we saw Josh and Cam waiting for us. "I'll explain later, just follow me," I said catching a glimpse of Luke. He was standing by the rock we met him at earlier. He was obviously waiting for someone.

We hid behind some chairs. It was like we were spies or something. We waited for a while and so did he. Luke put his phone to his ear and we could slightly hear him. "Where are you? Hurry up! I don't want to get caught!" I heard him say.

After another while of waiting I saw the figure of a female walk towards Luke. "This way," he said. They walked round the rock and we followed trying not to get caught. As we crept closer I saw the female was the girl he was flirting with on the beach earlier. I was ready to hit him before I even saw anything happen.

We dunked behind a rock. I peered over the top and saw Luke and the girl flirting. "I'm cold," she said. Luke took off his jacket and put it on her. He then wrapped her in his arms. What a Dick. It got worse. He lent towards her and they started making out. "Don't tell Luci," I heard Luke mumble. "It's okay I won't, stop worrying," she said. "I'm not. I don't even like her that much." By now I was ready to explode. I balled my hands into fists and tried to stop myself from going and beating him up. I hated him.

We stayed there for a while before I had seen enough. I swung back round and almost hit Jake. As we were walking back home we arranged for Jake to stay at my house tonight. There was a tree in front of my house and I don't know why but I couldn't help it. My fist flew into the tree making my knuckles bleed. "Dude, what the hell?" Jake said. "Are you crazy?" Jake asked. "I'm sorry but I'm so angry. How could he do that to Luci?" I said walking inside and washing my hand. "What are you going to tell her?" Jake asked. "I don't know if I can. I mean she likes him so much and I just can't be the one to hurt her."

We went up to my room and sat on my balcony. "Dude do you like her?" Jake asked. "Like who?" I replied. "Luci. I mean you always talk about her. Do you like her as more than a friend?" "I dunno, I mean, I just, I think I do," I said. Suddenly, my balcony door opened and Alli came out. "I got you both some pasta," she said handing us two bowls. "Thanks Als," I said. Alli left again and I saw Jake stare after her. "What are you staring at?" I asked him. "Alli got hot," he said. "What!?" "Erm I mean, is it hot out here?" He said looking away. "Dude! Eww! You like Alli?" "No! Okay maybe. Fine yes I do." Jake confessed. "Eww but awh!" I said making him laugh.

"I'm going to talk to mum, I will be back in a minute," I said. I ran downstairs and grabbed Alli. Jake will kill me. "Come sit with us?" I asked her. "Umm, sure," she said hesitantly. We went back upstairs and out to my balcony. "Hey guys," Jake said. "Hey Jake," Alli replied. "I'm going to see Luci," Alli said jumping over to Luci's balcony and knocking on her door. "Hey come in," I heard Luci say with her cute voice that was now British with an Australian twang. Alli disappeared into Luci's room.


"What's up?" I asked Alli. "Right so I'm just going to tell you, but, argh, I like Jake." She said. "Oh my god! Yay! You have to tell him. I bet he likes you back! Oh my! That's amazing!" I said. "I have news too. I might break up with Luke." "Oh my god! Why?" She asked. "Recently he has been acting really odd. Plus I think I like someone else," I said looking down. "Why and who?" Alli asked demanding details. "He has just been making up loads of excuses to leave and stuff and he keeps saying 'I'm spending time with Ben,' or 'I want to see mum,' he sees Ben all the time and he always says how much he doesn't get on with his mum. I just don't get it. And for who, it doesn't matter, he won't like me anyway." I said. "Can I properly meet Luke? We can hang out tomorrow and we can go meet him?" Alli asked. "Sure that sounds good," I said yawning. I looked to my clock and realised it was 11pm. Alli went out onto my balcony and jumped over to Cody's. Cody and Jake were still out there talking. I smiled and went back into my room.

I curled up in my bed and closed my eyes. I fell asleep quickly and woke up to a knock on my bedroom door. "Yeah," I said half asleep. "Alli has arrived," Alli said bursting into my room. I laughed and she sat on my bed. "Come on get up! Sun is out sky is blue and the beach is waiting!" Alli said cheerfully.

Alli went to my wardrobe and picked me an outfit. She chose a hot pink bikini with a coral strapless top, white shorts, gold sandals and a white SnapBack. She launched the clothes at me and dragged me out of bed. "Now get dressed." Alli said pushing me towards my bathroom. I laughed and went into the bathroom.

I came out and Alli told me to sit down so she could sort out my hair. In the end she left it down as it is naturally straight anyway. I put my hat on and we headed downstairs. "See you later mum!" I called as we left the door. We walked down the road and went to the beach.

"So when are we meeting Luke?" Alli asked. "I don't really know, I'll phone him," I said pulling out my phone. "Hey baby, what's up?" Luke said. "Are you at the beach?" I asked. "Always am, meet you at the normal place, in five minutes?" He said. "Sounds great," I said. "Okay, see you soon," "bye," I said hanging up the phone.

Our five minutes went past so me and Alli headed to where we were meeting Luke. He wasn't there yet so we just stood together waiting. After waiting for about ten minutes Luke eventually came. "Sorry I took so long," Luke said pulling me into him and kissing me passionately. "Luke you remember Alli from yesterday right?" I said. "Yeah of course, nice to see you again," he said. "You smell like perfume," I said. "Sorry, the girls were spraying perfume everywhere," he said taking my hand and leading us over to everyone else. "Luci!" Ben said running over to me and hugging me. "Hey Ben," I said hugging him back awkwardly. Alli laughed noticing my awkwardness. I introduced Alli and Ben and they seemed to get on really well. Ben was flirting with her badly. Luke was flirting with some other girl again. "Luke," I called. He walked over towards me and wrapped his arms round me. "Walk with me?" I asked him. He grabbed my hand and we went off together.


I arranged to meet up with the boys as Luci and Alli already planned to go out. We went to the beach as we always do. Alli was still in bed so they obviously weren't here yet. As I went to meet the boys I saw Luke walking down the beach with yet another girl.

The boys were already there so I sat down and told them what I had just seen. "Mate you have to tell Luci," Cam said. Just ten we saw two people on beach chairs making out. It wasn't until I looked again that I realised it was Luke. That was it I'm telling Luci. Tonight.

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