Chapter Five

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The next morning came and I got ready and met Cody. He came out the door. It was weird seeing him with his long board.

He smiled at me and walked beside me. "Listen, I can't meet you after school today, my meeting has been moved to today, but I will come see you when I finish?" He said. "Yeah that sounds good, I hope everything goes well," I said smiling. "Me too, this could be my whole career decided in this meeting. The rest of my life." He said nervously. We arrived at school and met with Jake, Campbell and Josh.

School was so much fun. People didn't care as much today and they didn't stare. Lunch time was so much fun. Me, Cody, Jake, Cam (Campbell) and Josh just sat together on our own. They said they didn't really want to be around everyone anymore. Cody was quite quiet for most of the day. I think he is just nervous.


The final bell went to end school. I went to go meet Dad. I said goodbye to Luci and she wished me luck. I climbed into the car and we headed to a studio near by for the meeting. "Are you alright Codes?" Dad asked. "Just nervous," I replied. "Don't be, everything will be fine," he said as we pulled into a parking space. I nodded and we got out the car. "Codes, I promise you'll be fine." I gave him a hug. "Thanks Dad"

The interview went passed in a blur but I remember the most important line. "So Cody, we want you to sign with us. Would you like to?" Shaun Campbell said. I could hardly breath. Was this really happening? I felt Dad put his hand on my back and look at me. "Cody just remember this is a massive decision for you to make. You don't have to make it straight away. Whatever you choose Codes, we will be here for you okay," Dad said. "I want to do it," I said smiling. Dad grinned from ear to ear and pulled me into a tight hug. From the corner of my eye I saw Shaun smile. This was it. The rest of my life in a few words. I was ready for this. Dad hugged me. "I'm proud of you Cody." I beamed. We said good bye to Shaun and drove home.

I was so excited. I get to make music everyday! I need to tell the boys. I told them all to meet me at the beach and we'd go surfing. Alli and Luci were hanging out already.

I got to the beach and met with Jake, Josh and Cam. "Guys I have news!" I said reaching them. "The interview went great! They want me to sign with them!" I said. All three of them cheered. "That's great. I'm proud of you mate." Jake said. "So are you moving?" Josh said. Suddenly the realisation that I would have to move hit me. "I think so," I said sitting with them. "Well we will all miss you, don't forget your boys when you are famous," Cam said. "How could I forget you guys," I said laughing. "Have you told Luci?" Jake said. "No, I'm scared to tell her." I said. "We will still be her for her mate. We won't leave her just because you are leaving," Josh said. "You need to tell her," Jake said standing up. "Celebration surf?" Jake said grabbing his board and running to the sea. We all followed him and jumped in the warm sea together.


I got home and arranged to meet Alli. After about an hour I ha changed and left my house to meet Alli to go to the beach. I was starting to love going to the beach. Alli came out of her house smiling. "Hey smiley," I joked. She laughed and said "Let's hit the beach." We walked along together and when we reached the beach another girl joined us. "Luci this is Sophie Harrison. Sophie this is Luci Crook." Alli said cheerfully. "Nice to meet you," Sophie said. "You too," I replied. The three of us started to walk down the beach before finding a good spot. We laid out our towels and laid on them.

About an hour passed and we all got up to go get some drinks. On our way back I saw four boys. "Isn't that Cody, Jake, Josh and Cam?" I asked. "Yeah," Alli said. We all walked towards them and when we got there they stopped talking. All of them looked at me. "What?" I asked. "Nothing, sit down," Cody said. I laughed and sat next to him.

They all had wet hair and were all sitting with their surf boards. "Good surf?" Alli asked. "Yeah it was great!" Cam said laughing. "I heard you were a natural at surfing Luci," Josh said. "Yeah totally," I joked. He laughed and looked to Cody. Cody was really quiet and I'm starting to think his meeting didn't go the way he wanted. "How was your meeting?" I asked. "Oh, yeah, it was fine. They said they would let me know if they want to sign me or not," he said but I saw in his eyes he was lying. I didn't want to keep bugging for how it went so I just let it go.

Alli and Sophie went off to talk to some other people they know. "Do you wanna come and surf?" Cody asked me. "I don't have a board though," I said. "You can use mine," Jake said. "Thanks," I replied taking his board and following Cody to the sea.

Cody seemed to be completely lost in a world of his own while he was surfing. I had never seen him like this. "I need to talk to Jake. I will send one of the boys to join you," Cody said leaving me alone in the sea. I sat on Jake's board and just let myself float on the waves.

Suddenly, my board tipped over and I was sent straight into the water. I heard laughing and there was a hand trying to pull me out from under the surf board. Cam was beside me laughing. "Sorry I didn't mean to send you under the board," he said trying to stop laughing. I laughed and splashed him. "Come on then, show me your mad skills," he said helping me back onto the surf board. "Good wave coming up!" Cam shouted.

Me and Cam surfed side by side. He was showing off slightly so it made it funnier when he fell off. Eventually, we decided it was time to head back to the beach. When we got back it was just Josh sitting by himself. "Is she a natural then?" Josh asked Cam. "Yeah, she is pretty good."


"One of you go surf with Luci, Jake I need to talk to you. Now!" I said walking off down the beach. "Mate, what's wrong?" Jake asked me. "I need to tell her. Like now. How do I tell her?" I asked panicking. "Just talk to her alone. I'm sure she will understand," he said. "Yeah I guess." I said. Me and Jake just walked around for a while talking about how to tell Luci. I was really scared about telling he but I would prefer to tell her myself than someone else tell her.

When we got back Luci and Cam had just got back. I needed to tell her tonight.


Me and Cody walked home together without mentioning the meeting. "Meet me on your balcony in ten minutes?" Cody asked as I started to walk to my door. "Okay," I said heading inside. I said hello to mum and headed upstairs.

I met Cody on the balcony and he sat on the ground. "I have something I need to tell you." He started. "So I do actually know if I got signed or not." He said. "And? Yes or no?" I asked. "I got signed!" He said beaming. I hugged him tightly. "Yay! Congratulations Cody!" I said. "Thanks. There is one more thing though. I'm moving." He said. My smile faded and I slumped back on the floor. "Like down the road or moving country?" I asked. "Country. LA actually." He said as tears formed in my eyes. "Don't cry, the boys will still be here for you," He said hugging me tightly. "I'll miss you Cody," I said. "I will miss you too. But I will still come back to Australia and you can come to LA and we will still talk all the time." He said. I nodded and hugged him again. "Luci! Are you out there?" I heard mum call. I said goodbye to Cody and headed inside.

The next couple of weeks passed far too quickly. Cody just turned thirteen and it was time for him to leave Australia. I cried a lot at school that day. Cody wasn't in as he was spending the day packing. The boys were all quiet as well. It just felt wrong without him there. After school I practically ran home with the boys to say goodbye to Cody.

We knocked on the door of his house and Angie let us in. "He is upstairs," she said sending us up to Cody's room. When we got there Cody was looking through photos. He straight away grabbed us all an hugged us. "I will miss you all so much!" He said through his tears. "Don't make me cry again Cody," I said pulling away from everyone. "I will just miss you all so much." He said. "We made you this." Jake said smiling and handing Cody the book.

"What's this?" Cody asked. "Just open it," Cam said. Cody sat on his bed and we all sat with him. The book, was a scrapbook me and the boys made for Cody. It had loads of pictures from our time together. I hadn't been here long but we had already had so many memories. Cody started to cry. "Don't get tears on the book!" Josh joked. We all laughed and Cody thanked us.

Too soon then time came for them to leave to catch their flight to LA. They were keeping their house in Australia and getting a second house in LA. At least I knew he would be coming back one day.

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