Chapter Sixteen

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Me and Alli got two hours sleep last night. We had such a great night talking and watching films. Alli asked me to come with her and Jake to tell Cody they were together.

We got changed and climbed over to Cody's balcony. "I'm really nervous, what if he doesn't approve?" Alli asked me. "So what? He doesn't control your love life Alli, you're free to date whoever you like." I replied. "He should feel the same"

We walked into Cody's room to find him and Jake sitting on the floor. "Hey" Jake said smiling at Alli. She smiled and waved. "Hi" I said awkwardly to Cody. He tried to shoot me a flirty smile but it just wasn't working. I saw Alli give Jake a look and he nodded.


Alli cleared her throat. I looked up. "Um Cody I need to tell you something.." She started and carried on before I could respond "I've started seeing this guy" I looked at her. "What?!" She just looked down and said "um you should know that it's Jake." I jumped up!! "What! Oh hell no! How could you do this to me Jake! She's my sister and you're the biggest player I know." Jake stepped back looking shocked "and Alli I thought your standards would be better than him" I said looking down on Jake. Alli stepped forwards "I'm sorry Cody but I can make my own decisions of who I date and at least I don't keep messing someone I like around." I looked at Luci. "I should go..." She said quietly, getting up and leaving.

What the hell just happened? Is that how everyone sees it? I'm not trying to mess her around. I'm just confused. I watched Luci walk away and didn't say anything. Just like always. "Whatever Cody." Alli said walking out. "Thanks. I'm sorry I'm not good enough." Jake said following Alli out the door. I just lost everyone.

I phoned Cam to see if he would come over but he was having a family meal. Josh was going to Jake's tonight. I'm stuck with no one and it's all my fault. What have I done?

I went out onto my balcony and saw Luci on her balcony. She looked to me shook her head and went back into her room. I went back inside and went to Alli's room. I knocked on her door but there was no answer. "Alli, if you're in there, we need to talk," I said. "Go away Cody! I don't want to speak to you!" She shouted. I even lost my own sister.


I sat in my room by myself. I can't believe how mad Cody got at jake and Alli. It was so unlike him. I can't get his look of anger out of head. It was like he was ready to hit Jake.

I phoned Alli and asked if she would stay at my house again tonight. She came over straight away. "Jake warned me not to tell Cody." She said straight away. She looked down and started crying "Alli, you shouldn't feel that you can't tell your brother about your relationships." I said giving her a hug. "You're right." She said standing up and sitting on my bed. I sat with her and we chose some films out to watch tonight.

There was a knock on my balcony door. I stood up and saw Cody standing there. "Ignore him," Alli said. I shook my head and went out to Cody.

"Hey," I said "She's pretty upset you know," I told him. "Just one thing at a time. I came to apologise. I was acting like a dick to you. Do you really think I was messing you around?" He said. "I guess I do, I mean the song and the moment on the balcony and then you say you don't know what to do." I confessed. "I don't want you to think that, I'm not trying to hurt you, I want to make you happy, that's all I've always wanted. I'm so sorry," he said putting his arms out to hug me. I went to him and hugged him tightly.

Then something magical happened. He looked down into my eyes and I looked up to his. Those deep blue eyes filled with warmth. I felt his hand move from my waist up to my face. He tucked my hair behind my ear and cupped my cheek with his hand. Then I couldn't help it. His lips looked so perfect. I stood on my tip toes and pressed my lips against his. I put my hands in his hair and held onto him. He held me close to him. I pulled away from him to see him smiling. "After everything I've done, can you forgive me?" He whispered. "I forgive you," I replied as he kissed me again. This time I felt him smile through the gentle but passionate kiss. He pulled away from me and looked down. "Luci, I don't know what I would do if I didn't have you in my life. Let me be your gentleman? Be my girlfriend? My angel?" He said looking into my eyes. I nodded and felt myself smile the biggest smile. "I thought you would never ask," I replied wrapping my arms round his neck and hugging him tightly. "I should get back to Alli, after all she was crying," I said pulling away from him. "Luci," he said taking my hand in his. "Let's not tell her yet, she hates me enough as it is," he said. I nodded and went inside back to Alli.

"What did he want?" Alli said. Well at least she wasn't crying anymore. "Just to apologise," I said. At least it was half true. I wasn't lying to her, I just wasn't telling the whole truth. "Jake text me saying he is going to apologise to Cody. They are meeting up at the beach later," she said. "What about you? Would you forgive him?" I asked her. "Yeah I guess, but why would he just lash out like that? He is being so stupid. And he needs to stop messing you around. Do you still like him?" Alli said. "Yeah I do, a lot." I replied. "So if he asked you to be his girlfriend now, what would you say?" She asked. That question made me feel like she knew about what just happened on the balcony with Cody. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well if he was to burst in here and ask you out, what would you say?" She said. "I guess I would say yes," I replied. She nodded and went to her phone. "Why?" I asked. She looked up and said "because I don't think you should go out with him. He will just mess you around again." "You never know though he could change," I said. "Do you not learn? He has done it to you like five times now." She said looking at me annoyed. "I guess," I replied quietly.


Time passed and I decided it was time to go meet Jake. I had a lot to apologise for. I walked to the beach and saw Jake and Josh in our normal place.

"Hey guys," I said. "Okay, let's talk." Jake said offering for me to sit with them. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't of been like that. You and Alli are perfect for each other." I said taking Jake by surprise. "Wow, I wasn't really expecting that, I'm sorry too bro, I should have asked you first." Jake said.

Before I could say any more Kylie was standing looking down on us. I looked up at her and she sat with us. "Umm, hi," I said to her. "Seriously, I haven't seen you in days and all you say is 'hi'?" She said laying down with her head on my lap. "Okay let me rephrase that, what are you doing here?" I asked her. She lent up and kissed me softly. "I missed you silly, come on I want to show you off to my friends." She said standing up and offering her hand out to me. "Kylie, you have to understand, we aren't together." I said looking away from her. "Don't be silly Cody, of course we are," she said making herself sound dumb. "Kylie! I have a girlfriend!" I shouted in a fit of rage. Shit. I didn't mean to say that. "Dude! What!? Who!? When!?" Jake shouted. "Erm, my music, it's my girlfriend," I said awkwardly. Kylie walked off in a strop. Good riddance.

"Spill. You're girlfriend, who is it?" Josh said. "Just let it go," I said. "No way, this is huge! Now tell." Jake demanded. "Okay, Luci, I asked her about two hours ago. Just please don't tell Alli yet. I need to apologise to her first,"

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