Chapter Twenty-Four

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Luci didn't stay for the show. I had never performed so bad in all my life. At every song I just wanted to burst into tears. My girl was gone and it was all my fault. I started singing Awake All Night. It was my favourite song I had written for Luci. I was so emotional during the song a few tears fell from my eyes. The fans didn't really seem to notice and they just kept on screaming and yelling my name and telling me they loved me. Non of it could make me smile right now.

After the show was the after party but I really wasn't up to it. Mum and Dad told me I should at least go for a little while and try take my mind off things. Alli was going back to the hotel to check on Luci.


During the time I was alone I managed to phone my mum. I didn't want to stay around here any longer. I had arranged to be collected from the reception of the hotel by some of Steve's relatives that lived in LA. I would stay with them tonight and get a flight home in the morning. Before I left I slipped a note under Alli's door. It said 'This may be the final goodbye. I'm staying with some people mum and Steve know and flying home tomorrow morning. Stay in touch? Luci x'

Just as planned a young couple picked me up from the hotel. I looked at the time. 8:30 pm. Cody would be performing now. In the car I had found out the boy was Steve's nephew and he was called Adam and the girl was Adam's fiancé and she was called Bella. They were both lovely and welcomed me with open arms.

When we arrived at their flat I was shown to a room that would be my bedroom for the night and Bella made me some pasta. "So how come you got stranded in LA?" Adam asked sounding concerned. "It's a long story, but basically I was out here visiting my boyfriend and when I get here I find out he is cheating on me so we break up and now I'm here." I explained. Adam nodded and Bella put her hand on my shoulder supportively. "Well, you're more than welcome here whenever you want," Adam said with a smile. I smiled at him before heading to the shower.


I got to the hotel and went straight to Luci's room. I knocked but there was no answer. "Luci! Let me in!" I shouted. No answer. Why wasn't she answering? I knocked again but still no answer. I decided to phone her. No answer. I headed to my room to think of how to get her to let me in. I opened my door to see a piece of paper on the floor.

I picked it up and carefully unfolded it. I read through the note and it explained why she wasn't answering. She was gone. I quickly grabbed my phone and called Luci again. This time she answered.

"Alli?" Luci said quietly. "Where are you? Are you okay? Please come back!?" I said rushing through the questions. "Staying with family, yes and I can't." Luci replied. I stayed on the phone with her for about an hour. She was heading home to Australia in the morning. I can't believe what Cody has done.


I didn't sleep all night. It was 5am so Adam was taking me to the airport. I was flying home alone. I said my goodbyes and headed to check in. It all went quickly and before I knew it I was boarding the plane home. "Excuse me aren't you Cody Simpson's girlfriend?" A girl asked making me jump. "No," I replied. "Oh you look like her," she said sadly. "Sorry sweetheart, I get that a lot actually," I said. She nodded and walked away back to her seat. No. I'm not Cody's girlfriend. Not any more.

I fell asleep for the whole flight and when I woke up we were landing. I quickly got off the plane and collected my bags. Mum came to meet me and take me home. In the car I started to cry. This holiday was meant to be perfect. Instead it was the worst holiday of my life.


Sorry this update is short but I have the next chapter ready so if you want me to post that tomorrow then comment and vote and share and yeah all that!

Also just wanted to say thank you for the lovely comments! And keep voting!!!

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