Chapter Twelve

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I woke up in my bed. When did I get here? I went to check my phone and saw I had ten messages from Luke. They were all on the lines of 'I want you back,' and 'You can't be without me for long,' His mistake. I never want to see him again.

I climbed out of bed and went into my bathroom to get ready for the day. I grabbed some shorts and a t-shirt and ran downstairs. "Hey sweetie how are you?" Mum asked. "I'm okay," I said. "What happened between you and Luke? He came round earlier demanding to see you but you were asleep so I told him to leave," mum said. "Well, he cheated on me three times that I know of and he beat up Cody," I said. "I'm glad I told him to leave, I hope you're alright sweet heart," she said. "I'm fine," I said making myself some cereal. As I sat at the table there was a knock at the door. Mum went to answer it. Cody, Jake, Josh and Cam all came in and hugged me. "Hey guys," I said eating my cereal. "We are going shopping, did you want to come?" Cam asked. "I would love to," I said beaming. "Let me just finish getting ready," I said quickly shoving in another spoonful of cereal. The boys laughed and watched me finish. We all went upstairs while I finished getting ready.

As we left Cody pulled his sunglasses over his face. "Hide my black eye," he said smiling. "Luke will be needing them today by what Cody told us, heard you punched him in face," Cam said pushing me slightly. I laughed and said "Yeah just slightly." "Good girl!" Jake shouted. We all laughed and climbed into the car.

As we arrived at the shopping centre we noticed a queue of girls outside the accessories shop. "Damn, I forgot my new merchandise comes out today," Cody said. "What other sixteen year old can say that?" Cam laughed. "It could just be Cody," Josh said laughing. "We can just sneak around," I said. "We might have to, look at that queue, I feel loved," Cody said smiling.

We got out of the car and tried to hide Cody as much as we could. It didn't work so well because we were all known by his fans for being Cody's friends. Luckily there wasn't too many people there so Cody got to meet them all. They all loved him so much and a few of them started crying. I got told by almost all of them that I was lucky to be such good friends with Cody. I was lucky.

After meeting all Cody's fans we went to go get some drinks. We at at a table and Cody kept his head down. I saw him moving in his chair a lot. He looked really uncomfortable. "Cody, what's wrong?" Josh asked. Looks like I'm not the only one that noticed. "My back hurts that's all," Cody said trying to smile. I can't believe Luke beat him up. "Come on let's go," Jake said. We all stood up and took our drinks with us.

I brought myself a new top and some shorts. Cody got himself a new jacket and some shoes. Jake, Josh and Cam got matching I Love Cody wristbands for a laugh. "Luci!" I heard a male voice shout. I turned to see Luke. Why can't he leave me alone? "Didn't you get the message that I don't want to talk you ever again?" I asked walking away. He grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him. "Did you want me to hit you again?" I asked. He had glasses over his eyes. "Covering the black eye I gave you?" I asked him. I pulled my arm away and walked off.

I went over to the boys and we all walked off. We got into the car and headed home. "Let's all watch a film at my house," Cam said. We headed towards Cam's and picked up some popcorn on the way there. When we got to Cam's we took over the living room and put a film on. I sat next to Cody and we cuddled in a blanket.

I felt safe in Cody's arms. He made me feel wanted. The film was quite boring but all the boys loved it. I just sat curled into Cody and shut my eyes. "Luci, wake up," I heard. "Luci," It was Cody. I opened my eyes and Cody was smiling at me. "Good sleep?" He asked. All the boys laughed and I rubbed my eyes and sat up. "How long was I asleep?" I asked trying not to yawn. "Well you slept through the whole film," Josh laughed. "Oops," I replied. It was getting late and I had told mum I would be home for dinner, so we all started to leave. Josh was staying at Cam's so me, Cody and Jake all walked back.

We said goodbye to Jake as we passed his house and me and Cody kept walking. We reached my house and I went inside. "Luci?" Mum called. "Yeah mum, it's me," I replied. I walked through to the living room and saw mum with some other people. I guess she works with them. I said hello and went to make some dinner.

When I was done cooking mum was still talking so I sat down by myself at the kitchen table. I checked my phone and saw a message from Cody. It said: 'I'm bored! Come meet me?' I laughed and replied saying: 'Your balcony in five minutes?' He quickly replied saying yes so I rushed through the rest of my food and ran upstairs.

Cody was already on his balcony strumming his guitar. I smiled and sat next to him. "Hey," he said smiling at me. "Long time no see," I joked. He laughed and kept strumming. "Writing something new?" I asked. "I was just playing," he said. "I wish I learnt to play," I said smiling. "Let me teach you," he said. He pulled me in front of him and held the guitar on my lap. "This is ridiculous, I will never learn," I said laughing. "I will make sure you do," he said.

He wrapped his arm around me and placed my hands in the right place on the guitar. "Okay, now strum," he said. I laughed and didn't move. "Like this," he said moving my arm for me. "There you go," he said laughing. "How do you even do this? I mean, you playing sounds great, me playing sounds, well, like that," I said just as the guitar made an awful noise. We both burst into laughter and I gave Cody his guitar back and moved away.

He made me play a bit more just so he could laugh at me. "Okay, maybe you should stick to surfing," Cody joked. "Yeah, that might be good," I said putting his guitar down again. We sat out for ages until I realised it was almost midnight. "I better go to bed," I said hugging Cody and going back to my room.

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