The HunHan Crew

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It was already dark. Kind of. This time yesterday, it was a dream in reality, then unexpectedly crushed by the fact Chanyeol kissed another girl right in front of you. Smart. But because of your kind hearted soul, you decided to forgive him. This may the worst thing you ever done, but you don't learn if you don't make mistakes, right?

You finished your rountine and busy practising. The only problem is Suho missing his cue after your solo. You were clearly the best at what you do, but you're the only one trying even harder. You decided to go out and get some air or maybe a drink for all the effort you put in.

Everyone has gone home, enjoying their Tuesday evenings, probably watching a documentary on birds or season 7 of the Big Bang Theory. Nah, you'll just stop by the bubble tea shop to try their latest festive drink. Mmmm, chilled mulled wine flavour! That just screams CHRISTMAS at your face.

"Half sugar please"
You almost forgot to tell the lady. You actually want to sleep tonight, especially after visiting the hospital. Every Tuesday night, you visit your aunt at the city hospital 20 minutes away from SM building. She is the only family left after her son, your cousin Jason. She is probably the kindest person you've ever met, only she's hooked up on a machine.

"What colour straw do you want?"
The lady smiled at you ever so sweetly. Awww, she is so nice! Nah, she just wants extra tips... aish. You quickly picked a green one.

Your mom died of cancer when you were 4. It is probably genetic, that's why your aunt has it too. Your dad broke down after your mom died and you don't exactly know what happened to him since. Some says he ran far far away to America. Some says he died of depression. You don't have much memory of them, only because your aunt took you in like her own and you are so thankful for that. Jason, he practically was your brother, gone and became a lawyer in America.

You've been through a lot, having to worry about Chanyeol is just a load of bullshit. So you've decided to take life as it comes now. Sipping your bubble tea, trying to get tapioca up the straw, and sitting down by a nearby stool. Right now, life is too short to think but too long to remember.

"Omo! Look who it is!"
Luhan shouts as he pointed across the room with the loudest possible voice humanly possible. The HunHan team were here, reinforcing their stereotype of bubble tea.

"Don't look up, don't look up..."
You whispered as you shut your eyes so tight, tears were forming from the tension.

"Hey! Over here!"
Luhan yells while flapping his arms up and down like he was drowning in oxygen. You were about to leave him there to die, but he aggressively pushed you off your stool.

"Aigoo!" What's your problem?!"
You tried to sound mad, but it was just embarrassing since everyone stopped and looked at you two.

"Did I scare you?"
He was grinning like he was on crack.

You stood up to push him. But gently. Not like a raging Hulk. Luckily, unlike him, you can control your rage. But like Bruce Banner, you rather scream in the rain and live in a cave with limited clothing.

"Naww, don't piss little miss grumpy off"
Sehun winked and went off to order.

"You know Kyungsoo is making dinner today. You and JEW-L should come"
Luhan said staring into space to avoid awkwardness. Not helping, but okay.

"We're having galbi!"
He laughed finally making eye contact.

Sehun came back with a dozen bubble teas. Please, let them be for the others. Can the HunHan crew finish a dozen?

"I was about to invite her to dinner tonight, but she isn't replying me"
Luhan pouted as he pointed at me like I broke a toy and he's telling on me.

"Jureuda! Jureuda! You should come!"
Sehun's face lit up. Seriously, they were so childish they probably be better off chugging down milk than bubble tea.

"Aish, I can't. I visit my aunt every Tuesday evening. Minhae"
You tried to sound really gutted that you can go, but sarcasm wasn't your strong suit.

"Ah, we'll drive you!"
Sehun exclaimed, proud that he is winning this.


"Okay then that's decided! Hop into the Benz there!"
Luhan pointed as they both stood up and left, not even holding the door open. Pabo.

You tried grabbing your coat off the back of the chair and run out with swag but it got caught on the edge


You got suddenly got pulled back and tripped over your own foot. Smooth.

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