Check. Mate.

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That's when I was slammed into the wall, with such force it knocked the breath out of my body and crunched my spine. I was winded, this opponent was to much for me to handle, and now, he had the upper hand, he had won my game, but I intended to be the last boss. 

I stared at the bodies of the dead, in the dimming lights of the hotel hallway, he had killed them, a perfectly timed and brutal slaughter, beautiful yet intimidating, he had full control and there would be no stopping him from whatever he was doing. Using his powers to manipulate the shadows around him, bending them to do his bidding as he kicked the shit out of me. 

I groaned and slid against the wall.

"Oh Anti!" I heard him shout.

"Shit." I muttered, my green and blue eyes glowing in the flickering lights, it would soon be completely dark, his domain, his power, his kill. 

I was the last one, I was the one he wanted from the very beginning. 

Dark didn't want anyone but me and to be honest I didn't want anyone dead other than him, I would've loved to have just killed him and went on with my life, but I had to play the right pieces in my game, and even now as I was hearing his thundering footsteps travel down the hallway towards me, my brain was thinking up a strategic way to get me out of this mess. 

He appeared before me, standing over me with such a sinister look on his face it made me feel like a scared little kid, he smiled, I knew he could sense the fear, it rolled off of me like a stench. He loved it when I was scared and I could tell he did. He bent down, looking me in the eye, his red and black eyes pulsing faintly. 

"I've won you're little game Anti, and now I get the pleasure of destroying you. Once and for all." I starred up at him, pure hatred rolled off of me. 

I spit at him, he sneered and kicked me as hard as he could in the stomach, on certain circumstances I wouldn't have felt it, but, facing another demon just insured my impending doom, he wouldn't hesitate to kill me now that he had me right where he wanted me. I had nothing...unless....A smile spread across my lips, Dark was confused for a moment, he regained his composure and grabbed the hem of my already bloody and cut up shirt, bringing me up.

I let him take back control.

My eyes went back to their normal blue, and then they widened at the sight before me.

"M-M-Mark!" I screamed, I struggled, trying to forcefully pull his hands off of me.

Dark snickered, "Oh why hello Sean. Anti couldn't let himself get killed so he put you back in control," He giggled, "How pathetic, well, I might as well have my fun." He said darkly, I struggled.


He leaned forward, towards my neck, I felt his sharpened teeth pierce my flesh, drawing blood, I screamed in pain and kicked, trying to get out of his grasp. 

"Oh hush Sean." He chuckled, I gulped, he detached from my neck and looked at me, his black eyes glossed over with a demented happiness. 

"Mark...I know your in there, and I want you to know, that I've always loved you, no matter what, no matter how or where, I will always love you."

Dark smiled, "Aww, how sweet, to bad Mark is going to watch you die." 

I scrambled again, starting to lose consciousness because of the blood that was now seeping through my shirt and dribbling down my neck. "D-Don't let him do this Mark!" I screamed, Dark slammed me against the wall, grabbing my throat, and tightening his grip, he grit his teeth and shook his head as if he were in pain.

"Shut your trap McLoughin, Mark is dead, he's gone, I am the only thing that's left, all of the sorrow, anger, regret, bitterness, I am everything that Mark kept locked away in that head of his for so many years, never wanting anyone to see, when I was always there, manifesting in the back of his mind under lock and key until the door was broken down." 

I was shaking at this point, out of fear, and resentment. 

Of course, what else did I have to live for, my friends were dead, my fans would hate me immensely for what I had done, and the love of my life was trapped somewhere in the mind of a monster. 

A single tear traced my cheek. 

"Do it." I croaked. "Kill me." 

Dark smiled, showing his fangs, "With pleasure."

And with that, he took his knife, and...

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