Everybody says that I'm sick

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I love his effort, I really do.

As I stand here looking at the ambulances cart of the bodies of Anti's victim. Poor Nate, he put up such a fight. But, he didn't make it now did he?

I smiled as I turned to make my way back up to my room, taking the empty elevator up several floors before stopping. I had my next few victims already planned out, but Anti was ahead of me by a lot. I was going to win.

To be honest with you, I don't exactly play fair.

I took note of the very few YouTubers that were still here, including Mark's dear friends Matthias, Ryan and Matt. Daithi would be my next victim no matter what and if I could get a hold of a few more YouTubers I would be at the top. I wasn't going to let some scrawny demon in an Irishman's body stop me.

I continued to walk down the hallway, my mind clouded in thought, I had been questioned several times by the police, me being a demon has its perks. Its amazing what humans will believe. Smiling as I thought through my plans again and again, until I got to my room, taking out my key card sliding it into the slot and seeing the light go green, yes I could've just opened the door with the wave of my hand but I can't draw suspicion to myself.

Walking into my darkened room and turning to shut the door I felt a presence behind me. I grinned as my door clicked shut and locked, turning to look at the green haired entity sitting on my bed.

"Hello Anti, lovely display you have downstairs." I grumbled.

The green haired entity smirked and stood up, " I was just coming in to check up on you Darki." He said pouting and acting weirder than usual. I just groaned grabbed the hood on his sweatshirt, opened my door and threw him out.

I had to plan, I couldn't deal with his stupidity at the moment.

Then someone knocked at my door, growling in frustration thinking it was Jack again I stomped towards the door and threw it open.

"What the hell do you want!?" Then I actually looked at the person...well people.

Matt and Ryan stood in the doorway, looking at me stunned. I quickly thought up an excuse.

"Sorry guys....Jack's been bothering me, I thought you guys might be him. I don't want to deal with Sean's bullshit right now." Matt and Ryan looked at each other.

"Mark, we're worried about you."

I tilted my head to the right a bit.

"Why? I'm myself ya goobers, no need to be worried about me."

"Mark we've known you long enough to know that there is something going on with you. And if you need help from either one of us to help you through whatever your going through....then we will." Ryan said. Matt nodded.

"Mark we're your friends, we know somethings wrong, and we're here no matter what." Matt stated

"You seem sick Mark." Ryan said looking at me.

Something in the back of my mind snapped and twitched. Tears began to flow from my eyes until I was full on crying. Mark had taken back control.

"Help me, please guys! Please! This isn't me! He's the one doing this! I need you!" I said, shaking and crying. Matt and Ryan looked at me then at each other, each of them were extremely worried, I wanted to be rid of this hell. I wanted to be rid of him.

Ryan went to touch my shoulder, that's when I lost hold and Dark slammed the door closed.


"Now I know who all I can kill to get ahead of Anti!" He giggled murderously, "Besides, you've told them way to much, now they have to die."

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