We're all a Little Mad Here

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As I walked out of the hotel with Felix I smiled, thinking up ways to get rid of him. Felix was one of Jack's close friends and the one who helped him get started on YouTube. I put my hood up and gave a sweetly sadistic smile as we walked down the street, deciding to go to the park before going to lunch.

The park was quiet, almost no one was there except for a rather old looking hobo who was digging through the trash. Felix and I went walking on a trail through the woods, just to talk. He looked at me.

"So, this whole thing is just...crazy don't you think?" He said, worriedly as we walked on the trail further into the woods. I sighed, as Jack pounded on the back of my mind, but I shoved him back. I shook my head and looked at Felix, fake sympathy and horror in my eyes.

"Yeah...I just want to know who's next...I mean it could be any one of us...I'm scared Felix." I said looking down and faking a small sob. Felix put his arm around me.

"Hey man, it'll be okay...the cops are looking for the two murders right now, Dan and Phil will both get their justice...." His voice trailed off and cracked. That's when I remembered that they were all actually really close friends...He's allowing himself to be vulnerable and that is what's going to get him killed, by me.

I looked over at him, he was upset, worried, scared, everything that made him perfectly vulnerable and deliciously easy to kill.

I pushed him, I had caught him off guard. He landed on the ground, a rock digging into his back and knocking the wind out of him. I smiled sadistically and got on top of him, picking a random rock up I sat on his stomach as I raised the rock over my head. I tilted my head as he stared up at me with wide eyes full of terror.

"S-Sean y-you were the one who murdered them?" He stuttered, his body shaking even though he seemed to be frozen due to shock. I let out a low laugh and smiled, my eyes turning black.

"Sean didn't, but Anti did." And with that I took the rock and bashed his skull in with it, blood splattered on the ground, cracking noises could be heard as the rock broke bone and crushed his brain, I smiled after he stopped breathing and his heart stopped beating, his blood on my hands and clothes, the rock and trail. I smiled and got up, picking his body up and walked a little ways down the trail.

I spotted something in the woods, perfect. I walked off of the trail and over to what looked like a caved in area, a giant hole with a rocky and muddy end. I smiled and threw his body in, it sank into the mud and I could hear Jack scream. I smiled, taking the blood stained hoodie and rock I also threw those into the hole as well, disappearing from sight, like Alice and the rabbit hole.

I walked through the woods and found a small creek, excellent I could wash the blood off here and dispose of the evidence. I bent down and washed the blood off of my hands, it was peaceful, birds were singing, flowers blooming, and I'm sure that if I were dead I would be burning in the beautiful place I like to call Hell. I grinned and washed the rest of the blood off, found my way back to the trail, and walked out of the woods alone. I then walked back to the hotel as Mark and SeaNanners were walking out, a low growl escaping my throat as Mark looked at me with a I'm-going-to-win-this-game smile. Would I let him win that easily though?

Hahaha, "Of course not."

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