Circus Of Crazy.

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Dammit! I can't let this asshole win my game!m I'm the Ring Leader of this circus from hell! I won't let this fucker take my title away from me!

I growled and continued to watch the news. Someone had found Phil's body in the alleyway. Throat slit, stomach cut open, intestines spread out around him, his right hand had been sawed off at the wrist,Dark had also used Phil's own hand, well finger,  and blood to write me a message.


I growled and turned the TV off. Luckily Dark and I were careful with what we did. Wearing gloves, making sure that we don't leave anything behind, we were guaranteed not to get caught. Because of Dark and I's game Sean's friends were of course starting to get worried and scared, the stench of fear was think whenever I was around them. It was amazing. 

I needed my next victim. Who would I chose next?

I grinned, the only bad thing about being in control is that Sean isn't about to give up on what little sanity he has, still holding on. Tsk Tsk. 

I decided it would be beneficial to me if I wandered around the hotel a bit, I was bond to spot someone who could be my potential victim. 

I was already dressed, I shoved my pocket knife and wallet into my pocket along with my phone. I then exited my room and started to walk down the hall. It was quiet, so quiet. God I needed to raise a little hell...

As I walked down the hall I heard a door open, the floor I was on was taken up by YouTubers. So it had to be one of them or a maid. I turned around and saw Felix walking out of his room, headset on, his head down, he must have been looking for a song to listen to. I smiled and slowly walked up to him.

"Felix! Hey!" I said smiling and running over to him. He looked up from his phone.

"Oh, hey Jack!" I could smell the stench of fear, he reeked of it, and this made me smile.

"Hey I was just about to go get some lunch wanna join? Maybe we could take a walk in that park, its a nice day I mean, why not?" I said with a smile. He shifted nervously from one foot to the other.

"Yeah, I could use something to get my mind off of all of this terrible shit that has happened." He gave me a smile. "Yeah, lets go." I smiled.

"Perfect. Just Perfect."

I am the ring leader, I am the King, and no minor performer or pawn will take away my power, you are going to die Dark, and I won't even blink while I shove the knife into your chest. 

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