Karma's a bitch.

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I had blacked out again. I woke up with a splitting headache. I was laying on a bed, but not in my hotel room. I shook my head and struggled to remember what the hell had just happened. My limbs were outstretched. My arms and legs spread apart. Tied up with the sheets of the bed, I looked around raising my head. It was dark, completely. 

My dark brown eyes fell upon a figure standing quietly in the corner of the room. I don't know why, but I felt uneasy and a bit creeped out. I struggled against the restraints on my arms and legs.

"Um Jack? W-what's going on?" I said starting to get a bit scared. I shivered and pulled yet again on the restraints. 

Jack, or who I had assumed was Jack, took a few steps towards me. Something flashed in the darkness, metallic and dangerous. He had a knife, something was dripping off of it. Blood? 

A low chuckle rang through the room, piercing my ears and mind. My breathing became quick and shallow as he continued to walk towards me my heart pounded in my ears and thudded hard against my chest. The knife flashed again. I couldn't see his face but I knew that presence, it was Jack, but it may not have been my Jack.

"Oh, good, your up." His voice was deep, and sounded as if it was mixed with other voices. Switching from this monotone voice to this high pitched one, almost sounding like a deranged and extremely troubled young child.

"My dear sweet innocent little Markiplier," He said stepping towards me, and  coming to a stop at my side. "I am willing to make a deal with you, make this little thing, into a game. As you and I both know there's going to be many more YouTubers showing up for this convention," My heart pounded against my chest. Had Dark gotten out without me knowing thus triggering something in Jack? A thought crossed my mind. Was Jack suffering from the same thing I was?  A split personality, something you couldn't control and couldn't remember? If so, what was this ones story? I looked up at him as he continued to talk. "You see what I have in this broken little sick mind of mine. Is a plan, to get rid of everyone, including you. But now that I know what you are capable of, I think we could be great friends, so, the deal is, the one who kills the most YouTubers wins, and gets to kill the other, no questions asked, no nothing, just  sweet, sweet murder. Genocide, execution, no escape."

I shivered, my mind was swimming with terrible thoughts, but Dark answered for me. "I think we have a deal my sick friend." I said a smile creeping across my face, but inside, I was terrified, I had seen what Dark was capable of. What he could do. I looked at this new Jack, this mass murderer who I had once known as my best friend and amazing YouTuber who had wanted to put good in the world just like I had. 

He gave me a sadistic smile. And cocked his head to the right a bit. 

"Good, now, go back to sleep." He said and with that he hit me with the handle of the knife, and I blacked out, as another laugh pierced the air, like a knife would pierce a still beating, still hopeful heart.

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