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Another successful day of meeting fans and other YouTubers. Ian and Anthony from SMOSH had showed up, so had Rhett and Link, along with Dan and Phil. 

Perfect. More victims for the game.

As I strolled through the corridor with my hands behind my back I smiled. Jack was no longer in the picture, well at the moment he wasn't. I could easily block him out anyways. I watched as all of the people filed out. Leaving only the YouTubers who were doing Panels and signings. Which met it was Dan and Phil, Mark, Ken, and me. 

 I passed by several rooms that security had put up for some of the YouTubers. I was strolling by one room when I heard a voice.


I smiled and slipped into the room without making a single sound. I shut the door behind me and noticed that he was playing a horror game on one of the computers. The lights were off, the only light in the room was the one from the computer that he was using and even that was faint. I heard his little commentary and gave a sharp toothed smile. Outlast. Perfect.

I made my way into the room. Watching him from a dark corner in the room. This would be my number one. I smiled and started to make my way towards him. Silently, slowly, he had his headphones in, he couldn't hear me. I giggled and picked up a keyboard from one of the other computers.

I smiled, my stomach was bubbling in a angry, amazing rage. My heart quickened as my blood lust went up. I needed to see his blood on my hands. I needed to see his skull caved in and his body contorted in a mangled, twisted heap at my feet.

I smiled and raised the key board above my head, I watched Dan's eyes widen as he turned around. He had seen me in the screen of the computer. I smacked him with the keyboard. He flew out of his seat, his headphones had flown across the room. My eyes lit up. They glowed green. 

Dan looked at me, he was now laying on the floor the side of his head bleeding from the blow to the head. I smiled.

"S-sean what the fuck!" He said looking at me with raw fear in his eyes. I chuckled a bit and looked at him.

"Your just a piece in my game Danisnotonfire. And right now this king is about to kill a pawn."

I hit him in the head with the keyboard again, blood splattered onto the wall and floor, I know had little specks of his blood on my clothes and hands. He had been knocked out cold. But he was still alive. 

"Tsk tsk, this'll never do." I threw the keyboard across the room and picked him up off of the ground by his hair.

I grinned and looked at him.

"Looks like your going to need tips from the internet support group." I growled and proceeded to smash his head into the computer monitor. The computer short circuited and electrocuted him. His body shook and streamed. Convulsing and spazzing until finally he stopped moving and breathing. I smiled. The scent of burning flesh filled the air. I took a deep breath in and let the aroma fill my nostrils.

A incredibly sadistic smile painted across my face as I walked out. If there was a camera then no one would have been able to see me, it was too dark in the room. I smiled and calmly stepped out into the dark hallway. My clothes and hands were stained with the blood of Danisnotonfire. A evil smile still plastered across my face. No one would catch me.

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