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I hear the sound of water drops falling in a sink, the rustling of chains, and someone tapping their fingers on a desk slowly the world comes back to me. I open my eyes to a blur of grey coming into focus I see that's it's a wall my eyes sting and I quickly shut them again. I was on the cold hard floor my body slowly waking up from the numbness my mouth is dry and my throat feels like it's clamped shut. Rolling over to my side I see Mason chained to the wall his head falling into his chest.

"Mason" I croak. I try to drag myself towards him but my body isn't complying with me yet. I hear laughter looking towards their direction I see three rogues ,two male and one female, the males are the ones laughing while the female is silent looking at me intently. It's lucky there are bars between us because I would pounce on them in a second. The bars are made of silver it doesn't take a genius to figure that out the walls are even aligned with it between the bricks. Looking around the place I see that it's a simple one room structure with bars in the middle like a makeshift prison. The older male rogue walks up to the bars with an evil grin on his face.

"My my aren't you a beauty to die for" he says licking his lips

"Who are you and why have you brought us here?" I ask sitting up

He squats down so we are on the same level "How rude of me I didn't even introduce myself I'm Val, that's Benji and that's Dako.."

"I couldn't care less. You all must have a death wish to kidnap me. Asher will destroy all of you the second he finds us" I spat back

"Everyone has to cease to exist someday some sooner than others" he sneers looking straight at me "shame really such a pretty face has to go to waste" he said clicking his tongue.

Mason moves his head slightly and groans with his eyes still closed. Moving over to him I see new bruises his face bashed up almost to the point that he's unrecognizable.

"Mason oh god what have they done to you?" I cry holding up his face

"Lover boy should have known better than to attack us when we caught you. He's lucky we let him live" says the younger male rogue Benji I think.

"Isla" Mason weakly says my name

"I'm here Mason" I said caressing his face.

"Bastards" he manages to say before his head falls back going back into unconsciousness.

"Mason" I shake him slightly to wake him up

"Don't bother sweetie we gave him a higher dosage so he'll be in and out of consciousness for awhile" says Val moving towards his desk.

I run my fingers through my hair these rogues won't let us live for long that's clear I think to myself. Its been hours since I've woken up while Mason is still unconscious. Suddenly I remember my mindlink with Asher maybe it could work. Closing my eyes I call Asher through our link but I don't get through instead I feel a searing pain in my ears and head. I scream rolling on the floor feeling like someone has smashed my head into pieces. I hold the sides of my head praying for the pain to stop. The pain slowly dissipates leaving a slight ringing in my ears. Val laughter roars through the place causing me to flinch my ears still sensitive to any sound.

"Stupid little Luna. You're surrounded by silver no mindlink can go through it" he laughs walking by the bars "I'll let this go but next time you do something stupid they'll be repercussions" he warns "I'm going easier on you than your friend over there. What can I say I'm a sucker for a pretty face" he gives me a rotten smile.

I get up and walk towards Val he doesn't scare me one bit.

"I might not have gotten through to him but he definitely felt my pain and he's not going to like that" I say titling my head "that's why you're going easy on me isn't it. You don't want Asher to think I've been kidnapped you want it to seem like I ran away" I see Val physically gulp as I realize his plans "but he'll know and he'll be here soon you're days are numbered and you don't even realize it he'll rip you limp from limp"

"You sure about that darling we didn't leave any trace of our scent and if I remember correctly you came to the waterfall all by yourself" Val snickers feeling proud of himself. "The only scent left by the waterfall was your's and Lover boy's and even if he catches our scent somehow who do you think he'll blame for your disappearance some unknown rogues or his mate's ex?"

I stay silent for now it's better to let him think he has the upper hand. I decide to wait for an opportunity to escape or attack I walk back over to Mason and take a seat on the floor next to him.

"That's like good girl stay with you're true love savor the time you have left with him" taunted Val

"Val we need to go now" said Benji

'Dakota keep an eye on them while we're gone. Tony is patrolling outside if they try any funny business call him over" Val orders the female rogue she nodded to show him that she understood. With that Val and Benji leave I look over Dakota I could take her in a second if only I could get out.

"Don't even think about it you're privileged little ass wouldn't stand a chance against me" she says figuring out what I'm thinking

"If you're so sure why don't you let me out and we could see for ourselves" I taunt her hoping she's dumb enough to fall for it.

"You really think I'm that stupid" she chuckles humorlessly

"No I think you're full of it. You know it I know it a mere normal wolf is no match for a Luna" I walk away like she isn't worth my time

"Oh you don't even know how badly I want to show you you're place Luna" she practically spits the word Luna "to show you what you really are nothing but a slut"

I move over to her to give her a piece of my mind she's close enough for me to grab her through the bars but I stop hearing Mason growls. He's growling at Dakota pushing on the chains strangely she flinches and remains silent looking at Mason with a hurt expression. I go over to him the silver chains are burning his skin they're bruised a ring of red burnt skin has formed around his wrist.

"Stop you're hurting yourself" I try to calm him. I see a rag on the floor besides the bar I reach for it and tear it into strips. Dakota doesn't move from her place looking at us both intently. I create a barrier between Mason's wrists and cuffs with the strips of the rag by wrapping it around the cuffs. My fingertips burn at the slight touch with the silver. God knows how long he's been chained I think. Tears form in my ears thinking of all the torture he's endured because of me.

"I'm so sorry Mason this is all my fault" I wept "the only reason you're here is because of our past. All I've given you is pain"

"Hey look at me" Mason says I look up to him his face has started to heal slightly the swelling around his eyes slowly going away.

"I don't regret having you in my life you're one of the best things to ever happen to me". Dakota growls at Mason saying this seeming disgusted by it we both ignore her "I'm just sorry I couldn't protect you I really am pathetic"

"No you're not don't ever say that" I said

"Remember when you called me the other day. I left a few hours after that I was on my way back home when they attacked" started Mason "I could've put up a better fight I could've mindlinked Derek I had the chance but I got cocky thinking I could overtake them now because of my stupidity we're here" Mason sighed looking defeated

"Don't lose hope we can still get out of here Asher and Derek will probably figure things out. It isn't that hard to track rogues they'll find us in no time" I reassuring Mason

"But that's exactly what they want. They'll probably tip Asher off themselves" stated Mason

"What?" I asked

"They made it seem like we ran away they want both of our packs to go into war" said Mason

"But I still don't get why would they want to lead Asher here he'll know what's going on in a second the bars and chains are a major give away" I say pointing out our surroundings

"When they first took me they brought me to a cottage not far from here they kept on calling it the love nest I think that's where they're going to lure Asher. They'll probably make it seem like we lived there together" said Mason

"Asher would never believe that" I say shaking my head

"Let's just hope that's true" that's all Mason and we both fall silent.

I pray to myself that Asher still somehow trusts me.

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