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Two days. Two freaking days had passed and nothing. No sign of Asher or Derek finding us neither was there anyway for escape the rogues kept an eye on us twenty-four seven they wouldn't even enter the cell just slipping food through a small opening at the bottom of the bars.

The rogues kept to the same routine, Val and Benji would leave around mid day and come back a few hours later leaving Dakota to watch over us. Dakota's behavior was starting to get to me her sneers and growls my way really wanted me to smack her into the next century. I wondered how she became a rogue at such a young age by the looks of it she was probably sixteen or seventeen. Although blonde hair and blue eyes are basically the definition of innocence one look at her and you knew she was anything but there was a seriousness about her like she'd seen things that no teenager should.

"Isla" said Mason while I was lost in thought

"Yeah do you need something?" I asked moving closer to him. Mason was still chained to the wall so I helped him eat and drink.

"No I'm good thanks just you went quiet for a moment there I got worried" he said looking at me intently

"It's nothing" I said shaking my head "hey look at you you're almost healed up" I changed the subject and used my best cheery voice "except for that nasty scar above your eyebrow why isn't that healing" I lightly touched the area above it. Mason flinched at my touch.

"Benji hit me with a silver weapon of some sort" said Mason

"We need to get that wound cleaned out or else it won't heal" as soon as I said that a first aid box was dropped through the bars. It was Dakota because Val and Benji were away like they usually do around this time.

"Thanks" I said looking at her with a raised eyebrow she just grunted and walked away. I looked at Mason to see if he was surprised like me but he seemed unaffected looking down towards the ground or was he?

I cleaned out the wound the best I could then put everything back in the box and held it out for Dakota to take it back.

"You remember that one time my dad almost caught us together in my room Mason?" I asked giving a side ways glance to Dakota. Mason raised his eyebrow at me unsure why I was talking about this now.

"He had to jump out of my window just in his boxers nothing else" I said looking Dakota straight in the eye she growled at me her eyes turning dark.

"Or that time when you carried me all the way over your shoulder to the abandoned barn near the.." that's all I was able to say before Dakota lunged towards the bars burning her hands in the process. Mason slammed his head on the wall in frustration while I looked at Dakota amused by her behavior she was on the brink of shifting.

"You're mates" I blurted out. Dakota stopped and looked at me confused then looked over to Mason.

"And you knew" I turned towards Mason furious he didn't tell me.

"What was I supposed to say? She's a rogue and with them" stated Mason. Dakota moved back a bit seeming hurt by Masons words.

"Mason she's your mate that trumps everything. Mates stay on the same side no matter what" I said putting a hand on his shoulders

"Doesn't seem like that" he said glaring at her she looked away but remained silent

"When did you find out?" I asked

"I was unconscious when they brought me here the first time I knew it right away when I woke up it took everything in me not to call her out" admitted Mason.

"And you?" I asked Dakota

"He was still unconscious when I found out" she said looking into her hands.

"As much as this guy pretends not to see it" I motioned toward Mason with my head "you do care about him so why not help us whatever Val is planning it can't be good for Mason" I said reaching out for her hand. She sighed and got up walking towards her bag picking it up she came back to us. Opening it up she took out a small vile, a bolt cutter, a set of keys and a pair of chains with cuffs identical to the ones Mason was bound to.

"My idea of help was more like opening the door and letting us out" I pointed out the obvious. Dakota shook her head.

"Tony is patrolling outside plus five other werewolves are keeping watch you wouldn't get far even if I let you out" she said "the vile is an antidote for over exposure to silver, the chains look identical but are made of steel so he'll be able break free easily when the time comes, the bolt cutter is for you to remove the silver ones and the keys are for the Jeep outside in case you need it later" she explained

"You already planned this out" I said with a huge grin on my face "see she's all team Mason" I nudged him. She threw the bolt cutter my way with a frown not liking my closeness with her mate.

"Calm down peaches" I teased picking up the wrench

"Don't. Call. Me. Peaches" she said through gritted teeth

"Feisty aren't we" I said "Mason you're gonna have your hands full" I laughed. Mason narrowed his eyes at me both not happy with my teasing.

"Just take these things off" he said motioning towards the chains

"Alright keep your pants on at least till I'm far far away" I couldn't help it they were just two easy to tease. I removed the chains with the bolt cutters slightly burning my hands while I was handing them to Dakota she used a rag to take them from me while Mason rubbed his sore wrists.

"Give him the antidote the exposure to silver these past few days has weakened him" Dakota told me

"Can't you tell him yourself" I said back. Mason just snatched the vile from me and gulped the whole thing down.

After I had put the steel cuffs on Mason I stashed away the keys to the Jeep in a safe place.

"Do you have a phone so I can contact Asher?" I asked Dakota.

"No. Val is the only one allowed a phone" she said shaking her head. "They'll be back soon" Dakota stuffed everything in the bag and went back to her position behind the desk.

I also took my position next to Mason.

"Huh?" I said to myself

"What?" Asked Mason with a confused expression

"She's actually pretty that wasn't a part of the deal" I said laughing nudging Mason it was fun to bug him I really did miss that about us. He rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"You're not letting this go are you?" He sighed and tried to hold back a smile but failed miserably seeing him in a good mood made Dakota smile too it looked good on her she should do it more I thought.

Their eyes connected both getting lost in each others gaze. Dakota's expression showed want and love while Mason's was more intense and possessive.

"Aww you two just had your first moment" I said both Mason and Dakota broke their gaze and looked away.

"They're here" whispered Dakota and we all fell silent.

"Dakota. Tony is waiting outside go with him he'll tell you the plan on the way" ordered Val when he came in

"But I was supposed to keep watch here" said Dakota

"Well now I'm ordering you to go. Go there isn't a minute to waste" asserted Val. Dakota looked at us helplessly before picking up her bag and leaving.

"Now to care of our little Luna" he said moving towards the bars and opening the door.

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