Alternative Reality

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Everyone got up to leave and soon the auditorium was almost empty. I was walking towards the exit with my mom when I saw a pack elder ,Mrs. Finklestein, was waving at me for help.

"Over here sweety" She called as I noticed her

"Mrs. Finklestein is something wrong?" I asked

"Yes dear have you seen my granddaughter Cindy?" She asked

"You mean Chloé" I corrected her

"Yes her. Aren't you Elsa the beta's daughter?"

"Yes I'm Isla the old beta's daughter we have a new beta now" I said walking her slowly to the exit

"Yes we do quiet a handsome boy he is" Mrs. Finklestein said

"Well that he is" I laughed taking her out of the auditorium so I could help her locate Chloé.

"Nana there you are" Chloé yelled not far from the exit "I've been looking all over for you"

"Don't worry dear Elsa has been keeping me company" said Mrs. Finklestein. Chloé gave me an apologetic look before taking Mrs. Finklestein away with her. I thought of going back into the auditorium and congratulate the new alpha before anyone else and was about to go back in when I heard Marie calling my name.

"Isla!" She yelled waving her hand frantically "Over here"

"Yeah what's up" I said going up to her

"What's up? No one says 'what's up' anymore" Marie said in actual astonishment. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"There must be a reason why you called me over" I sighed

"Mom has been trying to give me 'the baby talk' all day please be with me at all times so I can avoid it as long as possible" she begged looping my arm with hers.

"You really think you're mom will stop seeing me with you. I'll end up hearing the baby talk with you" I said

"At least I'll have someone to suffer with me" she said pulling me away from the auditorium.

So for the rest of the evening I hung around with Marie. I kept looking around for Mason but both he and Derek were probably still inside the auditorium. I kept biting my lower lip nervously thinking had Mason talked to Derek about us or not.

"Guys can I have your attention!" Eric addressed the crowd "Officially the ceremony is   over but if you want to continue the party in Red Moon style head onto the Jackson residence"

The crowd cheered and starting dispersing to go to Alpha Xavier's place. Marie and I went towards Eric.

"Congratulations our new second in command" I said giving Eric a slight punch on the shoulder.

"Thanks Isla" Eric gushed "hey Derek was looking for you"

"Really where is he?" I asked

"He's still inside with Alpha Xavier and Mason" he said moving closer to his wife.

"Are the other alphas already gone?" I asked

"Yup all gone" Eric said before rubbing his nose over the side of Marie's neck making her giggle.

"Eric stop" Marie cooed

"Ok seriously get a room" I said before making my way towards the auditorium. As I neared the entrance I was stopped by someone pulling me by the elbow with great force making me turn around abruptly.

"What the... !!!" I said angrily only to be face to face to the toothy grin I was all to familiar with "Mason!" I slapped his chest as hard as I could.

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