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My eyes closed I could feel Asher's lips nearing mine. When..

"Alpha I need you to sign. Whoa!" exclaimed Jason catching us mid kiss. I startled like someone had woken me up from a dream backing away from Asher I fixed myself up eventhough there was no need. Asher growled lowly not happy with the intrusion.

"Umm there are sandwiches in the fridge for both of you. I'll be in TV room" I said avoiding their gaze and running away from all the awkwardness.

I turned the movie back on but my mind was elsewhere.

I almost kissed him like actually kiss him

My mind wasn't able to register how it happened one minute I was laughing the next we were almost kissing and I would've if Jason hadn't come in. Part of me was even angry at Jason for interrupting us. WHAT!! This isn't me is it?

For the next few hours I was like in a daze wracking my brain trying to process how it happened, how could I let it happen and why was I feeling this way? I figured it was the mate bond that was making me feel this way, controlling my feelings and driving me crazy. Pacing around the bedroom I couldn't help shake the feeling that something else was off. My body was trying to tell me something but what?

Asher knocked on the door causing me to jump in fright breaking my line of thought.

"Hey its just me" he said coming in

"I know that now!" I said annoyed by his presence it was all his fault I was feeling this way I told myself

"Are you OK?" He asked with a conserned look

"I'm fine perfectly ok" I told him narrowing my eyes at him

"Well you don't seem fine. Is something wrong?" He asked again. I growled even my wolf was annoyed with his incessant questions. I stopped realizing that this was the first time my wolf was agitated by him she was usually this worked up when she felt at danger or...

"What date is it today?" I asked Asher

"It's the twenty-fifth. Isla you're worrying me" said Asher coming towards me cupping my face.

"I need to go to the store" I say faintly

"What?" Asher looking more confused than I've ever seen

"I need to go to the store. NOW!" I demanded walking towards the door but stop feeling my insides churning I put my hand to my forehead "Oh lord have mercy on my soul"

Asher ran to my side holding me by the waist I turn around looking at him desperately.

"You need to go to the store for me. I won't make it" I said holding my abdomen

"Store? Wtf! Isla you need to see the pack doctor" Asher says with a worried look

"No I need to go to the bathroom and you need to go to the store and get me some tampons" I almost scream at the end. Asher's expression changes to horror I motion him to let me go and he does carefully like I'm made of glass or something. I hurry into the bathroom running as fast as I can.

"Get some advil too" I call out before closing the bathroom door behind me. Thankfully I reached the bathroom just in time before creating any stains. After like ten minutes, Asher hands me the plastic bag containing the tampons and advil through the door which I have opened just enough for the plastic to slip through.

I take the advil with a bottle of water and throw myself on the bed with a groan clutching my abdomen. Back at home, everyone would steer clear of me during my period they all knew the rules don't look at me, don't talk to me and don't acknowledge my presence. Poor Mason couldn't even be ten feet near me because my wolf would get pissed just by his scent. Here at Asher's pack no one knew the rules it had been such a hectic week that I completely forgot about my period let alone the rules. I groaned again tossing and turning on the bed it was like someone was mashing my inside with a hammer.

"You ok?" Asher asked putting a hand on my head I swatted it away

"Do I look OK. Don't touch me and stay back" I said gritting my teeth I know he was concerned but this is what I'm like during my period if he wants me around he better he get used to it. Asher held his hands up in the air I growled at him not appreciating his humor. Another cramp kicked in and I started to toss and turn again.

"You sure I can't do anything?" He asked again what part of do not talk to me does this guy not get. Thinking about it I could use a heating pad to help soothe the pain.

"Do you have a heating pack?" I asked through the pain

"No but I'll tell someone to get it for you" he said getting up

"NO! I don't need the entire pack knowing that I got my period. I'll be fine" I said clutching my abdomen talking always made it worse

"But you're in pain there must be someway to help you" he said running his fingers through his hair in frustration

"You won't shut up will you" I almost screamed he wasn't going to let it go till I let him help me "Ugh. Fine give me your hand" I said holding out my hand

He seemed confused by it but did as ordered. I took his hand and put it on my abdomen resting my hand on top of his.

"Don't move a lot, don't come too close, don't talk to me just don't acknowledge me till I say so. Ok" I instructed closing my eyes the heat from his hands was helping the pain a bit.

"I think I like period Isla she's feisty" said Asher in husky voice before kissing me on the back of my head and placing his head on my pillow. I growled at him but was too sleepy to say anything soon I had drifted off to sleep.

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