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Picture of Mason above. On with the story.


If you've never seen a werewolf gathering let me just tell you we're loud like real loud. As I entered the tent, there were men fake fighting at one end, men real fighting at the other, women who really liked eachother laughing loudly and having a good time, women who hated each other laughing even louder pretending to like each other, then there were the couples "the mates". You could notice them a mile away they were constantly glued together not even air was allowed to come between them it's like the fed off each other's energies one couldn't live without the other. I stood there leaning against a chair with my arms folded gazing at them when Derek came and stood next to me mimicking me by folding his own arms.

"What a bunch of losers" he said

"Who them?" I asked if he was referring to the couples

"No us eighteen and still mate less" he said shaking his head

"You'll find her soon don't worry" I reassured him

"You don't seem that worried about finding your's" he said while taking a sip from his drink

"Nah I'm fine as is" I said hugging myself a little tighter

"Dance with me" he held out his hand

"Couldn't wait till tomorrow to boss me around Alpha" I said putting emphasis on the word alpha

He rolled his eyes at me "May I please have this dance Isla?"

"Yes you may Derek" I laughed when I took his hand.

Uptown Funk by Bruno Mars was playing so we danced like maniacs while lip syncing to it too.
Derek was the closest thing I had to big brother. He always looked out for me and I respected his opinion we were the basic definition of a platonic relationship. Even as kids when we used to play house Mason and I always played husband and wife while Derek was either the mail man, doctor, garderner and just about any other profession you could name. I chuckled at the thought. The song finished and the dj put on a slow track we went with it and danced to it as well with his one hand around my waist and the other holding my hand while I rested my hand on his shoulder.

I looked around searching for Mason I saw that he was sitting on a table at the end of the tent angrily eating away some bread rolls. Those poor defenseless bread rolls I thought to myself which made me chuckle. Mason some how noticed me from across the tent and gave me the death glare. I looked away before so he couldn't see me laughing at his pathetic attempt to scare me.

"What's going on?" Asked Derek with a raised eyebrow

"What? Nothing"

"Really then why is Mason murdering those bread rolls" his eyebrow still raised at me

"I don't know" I said trying to make my best honest face "He seems to be upset about something"

"I'm not blind Isla"

"I know that" I laughed at him but suddenly stopped when he gave me his I'm serious look

"Look it's non of my business. I've known you guys like eachother for sometime now but you know it can't lead to anything" he paused to make sure I was listening "you know that don't you?"

I just nodded to tell him I understood.

"Hey" said Mason as he appeared next to us "may I have this dance?"

Derek gave us a defeated look and shook his head "Go ahead" he motioned towards me

"Thanks man" he said pushing me away and wrapping his arms around Derek "I ever tell you I like you Derek you're the kind of person who wouldn't wake me up at five morning knowing that I'm not a morning person.." before Mason could continue ranting about me Derek cut him off

"Ok that's enough you two sort this out on your own" he said waving his finger between us

"No its ok Derek I wouldn't want to break you two up plus I have a maid of honor speech to make" I gave Mason a glare then turned around towards the stage. Taking a glass and fork from a nearby table I made my way up to the stage clicking the glass slowly infront of the mic I soon had the attention of the whole tent.

"Thank god for enhanced hearing huh guys" laughter erupted from the tent. "Well you've all known me basically my whole life, every big and small event you've all been there so please stop asking if I've found a mate yet. I haven't and you know that then why ask?" I paused for laughter to die down "but I doubt you know me as well as Marie over there in the white looking so happy it's making me nauseous" I winked at my friend "or as I know her. We've been through a lot together. I was there when she met Eric, and when she snuck out at night to meet Eric I was the one helping her get down from the balcony. I was also there when Alpha Xavier was running after Eric with a bat at the 2014 spring barbecue. I was there when Marie didn't talk to Eric for a week because he said he preferred pepsi over coke and thank god I was there when he apologized while wearing coca cola merchandise from head to toe. No joke he even bought coca cola underwear" I stopped to catch my breath from laughing to hard.

"You're killing me Isla" shouted Eric

I coughed before continuing the speech "I was also there when Marie said that Eric made her whole and without him she didn't know how she existed and couldn't imagine a future without him" this part got some aws from the crowd "I love you Marie you're the best friend anyone could have and Eric I hate you, you took away my best friend. Wish the newly married couple all the happiness in the world." There was clapping and howls from all over the tent I got off the stage Derek and Mason were still standing where I left them I walked passed them and went up to Marie.

"Hey come over here" Marie motioned towards me and gave me a tight embrace "that was the best speech ever"

"Yeah the best" Eric said sarcastically behind her before chuckling and shaking his head "No it was really good didn't know you had a funny bone."

I narrowed my eyes at him before giving him a hug too "I still hate you though"

"Same here" he said with a laugh

"Can I be discharged from my duties as maid of honor?" I asked feeling tired

"Why aren't you going to hang around longer?" Marie gave me a worried look

"I've been up since 5 am I don't know if I can stand anymore" I confided with her

"Ok thanks for everything today couldn't have happened without you" Marie gave me a hug before I exited the tent. The walk back home was a long one but I loved the cold breeze against my skin and I could also get some exercise in the process. After a few minutes I heard footsteps behind me and I didn't even need to look back who it was.

"What do you want?" I asked still not looking back

"Babe I'm sorry" said Mason as he wrapped his hands around my waist from behind and rested his head on my shoulder. I gave him a side stare and shook my head.

"Why do I always fall for that everytime you say sorry and poof all anger gone?" I asked more myself than him

"Because I'm irresistibly handsome" he laughed and so did I. He rubbed our noses together and just like that everything was ok.

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